Ok, so for those fo you who haven't been following me, this is the story of the past few days.
Most of you know I was cramming al weekend to get my homeowrk in, since the deadline on my college class got movedup. Well, monday, I had it about half-done, and still had a couple days.
Then, they announced that the blood drive would be the next day. I have always supported this kind of thing, so I signed up. then, right after that, I was told by a classmate (niether the proffesor or the moderator at the high school felt that I needed to know, apparently) that our final had been moved to the very next day! so, I now had to do the homeowrk, turn in a copy, and review it all, then take two majot tests (we had one in economics too) then, go give blood.
I freaked out at first, but came up with a plan to get it all done, then when I got home, I was told that my grandpa was in the hospital, and it was very serious. So, that was a huge shock, and I kinda went on auto-pilot. I talked to a few friends who helped me a lot, but I was still kinda numb
I spent all evening doing my work, according to plan, though I don't remember all of it, I just know I did it. At one point, I was close to tears and ready to give up, so I prayed that God please get me through with out crying. Just then a friend got on MSN, and we had one of the most interesting and hilarious conversations I've EVER had, and not only did he stay up with me, he kept me going and focused until it was all done. And this is someone I had never really talked to a lot before that, but we had a deep convo, and well, all I can say is that miracles happen.
Anyway, I got that done, and turned it, and after my longest cram session ever, crashed into bed for three hours of sleep, before school.
when I got to the test, I found out that none of the other kids had bothered with the homework, and had decided to just goof off instead. Tehy knew if they got good enough grades on the final, it wouldn't matter, and they would pass. Well, when we logged on to take it, all the answers were straight off the homework I had just spent all night doing! So, I used what I remembered, and I think I did fairly well.
In economics, I don't really think I did my best, because this was after lunch and I exhausted, but I had read the whole chapter, so I think it will be all right.
I went right after economics and gave blood. Again, God took care of me, and I got an awesome woman working with me, and she was so kind, and talked to me, and was so gentle, I didn't even bruise like the last couple times I gave. Except for a minor spill right at the end, it went well, and I felt better, strangely.
Then,when mom showed up, she told me that my grandpa has cancer, and its already in his lungs, liver, and kidneys, so they can't stop it, but they are running a bio-opsy, and they are thinking it might be a slow-moving one, and that he still has a while. I'm praying so.
So, I got online and talked for a bit, and then it all started to affect me so I stared heading toward bed, right as I crashed.
I woke up a couple hours later, feeling tremendously better, and have been tidying up my room, and doing other things that I haven't really tended to since all this started. Mom is at the hospital with my grandpa, so I will have more news when she gets home.
So, I'm still praying for my grandpa, but either way, he seems to be in good spirits, and as long as my grandma remembers to eat and doesn't kill herself trying to take care of him everyting will be fine. Oddly enough, my dad, who has never gotten along real great with them, has been cooking meals for my grandma to make sure she eats.
Now, since my grandapa is ill, and grandma wants to stay with him, I have been invited to the all-women celebration of mothers day, in honor of my great-grandma, this weekend. Now, my mom sometimes thinks one thing, and says another, without realizeing it, adn I try not to correct her, so I honetly have no clue if we are going to San Antonio, New Bronfull ( I know I spelled that wrong) or Houston, but we are going SOMEWHERE, and it is going to be fun. I am not going to let all this stres ruin my vacation.
Now, the NHS breakfast (if you don't know what that is ask, it's actually really cool) is friday morning, and i think we are going to be using my car to pick people up, so i have to be here for that, but mom wants to get me out of school early so we can go, and spend the weekend with most of the women in her family, at this giant tea-party. So, I'm excited, even through my sadness about Grandpa.
Well, so far everytime something bad has come up, Something else has happened to make it just enough for me to get through. i am proud to say, I have not gotten overly emotional, and have been rather level headed, and no one at school knows there is anything wrong.
so, those of you who pray, please pray for my grandpa, and me. Maybe the Lord will sned us another miracle. And if he chooses not to, please ask him to give me the strength to get through this. I have done all I can do about my family and my grades. Now I am going to try to rest and let him handle what I cannot.
Thanks to all of you who were there for me, and put up with me when I was upset or needed you.I find myself wondering how I ever managed to stay sane without you guys! Whether you know it or not, you are a gift from above.