Senior Trip

Ok. I’m back from Senior Trip. It was pretty wild. Here’s the breakdown of how things went…

First, we loaded on a yellow dog and rode that an hour, to this place called M. E., where we first bowled. Now, I am not a good bowler, but they have these streaming music vids while you play, some and of the other girls were dancing around, and it was really funny because we all still had our nails done from prom, and whatever they put on it to make it shine glows in the lights they were using, so when we dancing in a tight group, it was like a little moving disco ball. LOL

Then, we played Laser Tag, and I had a BLAST. My team lost, since I was with the girls who had never played before, and me and the couple of guys on our team had to train them. (Yes, I’ve played before, and I always enjoy it) It was still awesome though, since I took out their base several times. I get kind of aggressive when I play those type games, and I had a really hard time with the “no running” rule, but it was all good in the end. There are advantages to being short and unseen at time *evil chuckle*. My only real complaint, is that they do NOT design those vest for women, and I always feel a little flatter when I get out. LOL. On the plus side though, I’m used to wearing a target on my chest, so the whole “protect the sensors from fire” thing was no problem.

Anyway, after that, we ate, and the girls actually asked me to eat with them (I was shocked) and shared their food and asked if I wanted to play again. I thought about it, till a couple boys said they would play too. Then I knew I would spend more time trying to pummel them then trying to help the girls. (Except one chick whose actually really good at it, but I don’t think she would have been on my team).

So, instead I went, one a couple stuffed bears to take home to my sibs, then played DDR until the turned the machine off. (I really didn’t want to get off the machine, apparently, though I blame part of that on the three cups of soda I drank) then, we loaded on a charter bus, and drove all night.

Now, the bus was actually really comfy, and at first we all watched movies, and I read some, then mostly everyone went to sleep. I tried, but this one guy who sat behind was up talking to the girl next to him till four o’clock in the morning, and kept me up. It was all good though, you’ll see later why.
At breakfast, they told us there was no limit, so I stuffed myself full of French toast and hot coco.

Then we went to the paint-ball field. Now, all the boys and most of the girls played. I wanted to, but considering some of the guys who went out there, I decided against it. I had never played before, and I didn’t want to be taken advantage of. Maybe I can go with friends sometime and learn when I know there aren’t at least four people who hate my guts hunting me. A couple of the boys were still cranky form laser tag.

Anyway, I slept on the bus with a couple others while motor-mouth went to shoot at these. I was rather surprised when only one kid came back bleeding, but I had to laugh when several of them could sit or lie down properly anymore.

After that was six-flags, an amusement park. Now, this was another thing I had never done before. I t was AWESOME. I rode every large roller-coaster I could find. They were sooo much better than the fair rides I was used to one, I think it was called the Gotham City Park ride (part of the park had a batman theme) was so awesome I rode it more than once.
I ditched my classmates pretty early since they are pretty slow and I wanted to get to as many rides and stuff as possible, but I had an absolute blast and wouldn’t trade it.

Now, let me set something straight, yes, I’m afraid of falling. Unfortunately, I can also be an adrenaline junkie when I get worked up. So, no, those rides don’t really scare me that much. I mean, yes there is that instant when my body says “O, snap are you SURE this thing is safe?” LOL. But in the end, I love the rush and the wind and I end up loving the ride.
The only thing that freaked me out, was the Superman. For those that don’t know, that is a ride were they drop you. It is one of the tallest in the park, they strap you in, you ride it like an elevator to the top, then they drop you and catch you a few feet from the ground. Now, at first there was NO WAY I was riding that. However, I was on the phone with a friend, and she told me to go for it. I decided fear was a lame thing to let hold me back, so I did it. Yes, I freaked out when we fell. No, I did not scream or puke. Yes, I would like to do it again sometime, but next time, I want someone with me! LOL

Anyway, I rode a lot, bought a batman cape for my bro, ate some ice cream, met the park people dressed as Batman, Robin, the Joker, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy duck, and just kind of wandered around having an awesome time. The last ride I went on was a water ride and I got totally soaked. That’s the only one I regret doing, because the bus was so cold on the way home.
As soon as I met the rest of my class, we all walked over to the baseball stadium to watch Yankees vs. Rangers. This was yet ANOTHER first for me, since I’m usually not that into major sports. But, I must say I enjoyed it. Baseball is an awesome game (had it been football I probably would have just slept) and the atmosphere was awesome. The stadium was shaped so that the temperature stayed pretty regular, but a breeze still got in, which dried me out pretty fast. The food wasn’t too bad, and since it was all you can eat, we were all running back and forth for hot-dogs and nachos. My class started watching the game and discussing player ranking, then eating and routing for our chosen teams. (I’m a Ranger fan, just because they are from Texas), and after a while we were all just cheering whenever anyone made a home run and throwing peanuts at each other. The Yankees won in the end.

Then we got back on the bus to come home. This was the worst part because I was still damp underneath, the heater on the bus went out and I didn’t have a blanket. So, I half slept, half froze all the way home. Also, after Laser Tag, DDR, walking all over six flags three times, walking to the stadium, walking up and down stairs in search of food, and walking back to six flags where the bus was, I was soo sore in the legs, and my necks was stiff from all the rides and watching the game.

Well, we got home REALLY early in the morning. I got home and turned the comp on while I was changing into warm, dry clothes, hoping to catch someone, but my internet had died, so I just fell into bed and slept till the awards ceremony. (about three hours of sleep).

All the seniors got to the awards late, because we were all so tired, and most of them were more sore then I was because they had gotten shot at with paint-balls (No one was hugging because their backs were so raw). We got our awards and they announced they scholarships. The counselor made a point of patronizing me (I won’t go into the details), but I won a couple more scholarships, so it was a success in my book. After that I went back home and slept the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon. Then my Grandparents from Arkansas showed up, so I went to talk to them.

When I finally got my comp working again, a friend was on and wanted help with a writing project. I LOVE writing, and haven’t been able to do much lately. He was awesome to work with, and he got me in a writing mood, which is probably why this rant is so incredibly long now. ><

Well, I will stop, and just leave you with the song I went to sleep to on the bus. (I had my MP3 going, as usual)(And I know this song is a tad weird, but the Twilight soundtrack was what my MP3 got to for some reason LOL).

Just know that Trips like this really are a blast, but remember its best to be with friends, though on your own is not bad. And if you are going to sleep, bring a blanket. LOL
