Quick Summer update.

I'm staying at my grands house now. Which,pretty much means I'm living alone, since my grandpa is in the hospital and my grandma is staying with him most of the time.

My Algerbra class is tough, but I think I can handle it. I really like my prof, so it should work out.

My back has hurt all day. Now, most of you know I HATE taking convential medicine, but it was so bad I broke down and took some tylenol. And it didn't work. >< Go figure.

Anyway, I've been watching AMVs, catching, and doing math most of the afternoon, if I ever finish my math, I'll watch a movie. (At least I can do that lyign down so my back won't ache as bad.) But, I wanted to update this, for anyone who cares.

Have a great summer everyone! For those of you who won't be contacting me as much, I'll miss you, and I will look forward to seeing you this fall. For those of you who will be with me through the summer. Thanks and lets make it a good one!
