Ups and Downs

So.. this is me the last few days...

1. I won $3,000 dollars in scholorships in an essay contest.
2. I made some new friends.
3. I had a relaxing time at a very nice hotel.
4. My Grandpa comes home soon

1. I lost my sisters earings.
2. I'm having problems with my homework.
3. A friend was very upset about something I said, when all I was trying to do was help, and now I don't think he trusts me anymore. That really hurts.
4. My Grandpa is expecting to die. He has lost hope.

So, ups and downs this weekend. I'm trying to do my best, but... I always seem to hurt the people I'm closest to. I can't comfort my grandfather, I'm hurting my friends. Everyone treats me like a hero, and congradulates me, telling me how awesome I am, and that just makes me feel worse inside. I'm excited about the scholorship, I worked really hard, and I beat a LOT of people, I was able to talk to people on my level, I'm being acknowledged as an adult... why do I feel so hollow? Everything, I've gained, means nothing if I don't use it right.


Ok, I'm done now. Maybe if I finish my homework, and get some sleep, things will look better. To those I've hurt, I'm sorry. I do my best, and if something I say sounds wrong, please tell me, I'm apparently not good at hints OnLine. And for those who are proud of all the junk I've been doing that at least looks good on paper, thanks for your support, it has meant so much to me. To all my friends, you are a gift from above, and thansk for standing by me.

Ok, I now sound like a complete emotional idiot so I'd better stop. Goodnight all, and I hope you all have wonderful days!!!!
