Dragon World is all about dragons. There are books, games, and movies, on dragons. This world will talk about them all. people can send in pictures or story on dragons. Please do.


Much folklore about dragons was believed throughout time. In Egyptian mythology, the god of the underworld, Osiris, is sometimes represented by a dragon. In Greek mythology, dragons are always guarding something or eating someone. In European mythology, a dragon is a serpent-like legendary creature. In both Eastern and Western mythology, the dragon is believed to be responsible for eclipses.

In Bulgarian legend, dragons are three headed, winged beings with snake's bodies. There is also a white dragon, which according to legend can transform into a bird called O-Goncho. The dragon also plays a vital role in Arthurian legend.

In Romanian folklore, even the snake, which in certain conditions, has the ability to turn into a dragon, has a strong malefic meaning. The ancient Greeks and Romans, who revered dragons for their wisdom but feared them for their tremendous powers, shared this belief. Similarly, in the Babylonian creation myth, Tiamat the embodiment of chaos is portrayed as a terrible dragon. This myth is almost as hard to kill as the dragon itself was. For this reason, the dragon symbol is the sign of authority, often being worn on the robes of the Imperial family and nobility.

Dragons have long been considered evil, maiden-stealing, village destroying, fire-breathing beasts. This lead to many brave knights attempting to hunt down and slay dragons, as recounted in many medieval writings. When knights began inventing stories about them defeating such dragons, the dragon and knighthood peak was reached.

Almost every country in the world as some sort of dragon story. Legends and myths are filled with stories of dragons. In European mythology, a dragon is a serpent-like legendary creature. In many legends dragons personify evil, and are vicious beasts who live to wreak havoc and must be pacified by human sacrifice. One of the most feared monsters of the Greeks and Romans was the Hydra, a dragon with multiple heads and poisonous breath.

In fairy tales and in medieval poetry in the Western world dragons are dangerous, untrustworthy creatures. Medieval people liked to scare each other with dragons. All peopel are drawn by the dragon's aura of mystery, its ancient magic, its nobility; its awesome might and power.


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European Dragons Origin In Therory

European dragons are legendary creatures in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. The word for dragon in Germanic mythology and its descendants is worm (Old English: wyrm, Old High German: wurm, Old Norse: ormr), meaning snake or serpent. In Old English wyrm means "serpent", draca means "dragon". Finnish lohikäärme means directly "salmon-snake", but the word lohi- was originally louhi- meaning crags or rocks, a "mountain snake".

Though a winged creature, the dragon is generally to be found in its underground lair, a cave that identifies it as an ancient creature of earth. Likely, the dragons of European and Mid Eastern mythology stem from the cult of snakes found in religions throughout the world

Japanese/Chinese Myths: The Myths & Stories OF Dragons:

Japanese/Chinese Myths: The Myths & Stories OF Dragons:

One of the myths and legends about dragons they blow fire and that it represents the Chinese culture. The only problem is that some of the people have not talked about some of the other dragons that they have believed to exist. The dragon for both Chinese and Japanese cultures symbolizes power and excellence. In the early days of the dynasty’s some of the dynasty’s worshiped the dragon as their lord and some actually even asked them for help and guidance. The first and 15th of every month they use to perform rituals to worship the dragons. In Japanese Folklore there are nine types of dragons and in Chinese Folklore there are only three. In some legends they say that most of the dragons in stories evolved from fish, they as they grew they showed their strength and people started to respect them. The nine dragons on the Japanese culture are mostly related to the elements of the earth. The fire dragon is the most talked about and the most popular. The fire dragon is known to be in legends the most competitive and expects a lot from people. One of the other traits of the fire dragon is that it is very ambitious and very short-tempered, as everyone already knows. The fire dragon has to have a master in order to learn how to communicate without force. Another one of the dragons, which is one of the elements, is the water dragon. The water dragon is one of the quieter one’s besides the fire dragon. Some of the characteristics of this dragon is that is has a more positive attitude on things and also it has a more positive approach and also is less selfish and less power hungry than most dragons are. That is why that this dragon is on the most worshiped next to the fire dragon. Dragons are on of the most talked about myths in Japanese and also Chinese Culture and the world. An actual dragon or dragons bones have never been found, if they have existed, that is why a lot of people wonder why there is so much talk about dragons. The purpose of the dragon was meant to be for spiritual beliefs and just to make up stories and legends.


(From Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland. First recorded by Adamnan in the Life of Saint Columba sometime in the late 7th Century. The date given for the meeting of St. Columba and Nessie is 565 CE.)

Once upon a time, when Saint Columba was traveling through the country of the Picts, he had to cross the River Ness. When he reached the shore there was a group of people, Picts and Brethren both, burying an unfortunate guy who had been bit by a water-monster. Columba ordered one of his people to swim across the river and get the boat on the other side so that he might cross. On hearing this, Lugneus Mocumin stripped down to his tunic and plunged in to the water. But the monster saw him swimming and charged to the surface to devour poor Lugneus and everyone who was watching was horrified and hid their eyes in terror. Everyone except Columba who raised his holy hand and inscribed the Cross in the empty air. Calling upon the name of God, he commanded the savage beast, saying: "Go no further! Do not touch the man! Go back at once!" The monster drew back as though pulled by ropes and retreated quickly to the depths of the Loch. Lugneus brought the boat back, unharmed and everyone was astonished. And the heathen savages who were present were overcome by the greatness of the miracle which they themselves had seen, and magnified the God of the Christians.

It is thought that Nessie is a mythic symbol for the Picts and the other non-Christians of the area and this story exists to glorify Saint Columba's ability to convert the Picts to Christianity.