Dragon World is all about dragons. There are books, games, and movies, on dragons. This world will talk about them all. people can send in pictures or story on dragons. Please do.


ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON There are several conflicting stories behind St. George and his awful fight with a dragon. One speaks of St. George as one who was endowed at birth with three marks on his body. One was that of a dragon which was inscribed on his chest. This was undoubtedly taken as an omen, and so it proved to be.
St. George grew older and took the time to learn the art of fighting. After several battles against the Saracens of Syria, he traveled into Libya where a dragon was known to live near the town of Sylene. This particular dragon required the sacrifice of a virgin every single day. On the day of St. George's arrival the kings daughter, Sabra, was to be the next victim. St. George, with all appropriate pomp and valor accompanied the princess to the dragons home. It is here that many stories deviate, but one tells of how St. George captures the huge dragon as it rises out of the mire and attaches its head to Sabra's girdle. The princess then brings the living dragon back into the town where all the inhabitants exact their vengeance upon him. St. George is truly the princess Sabra's knight in shining armor.

The Naga

Udyana, in modern Pakistan, was famous for its water dragons. This is a story of one of those dragons.

The Naga are thought to be semi-divine snakes with human faces and serpents tales. It is in the Patala, a watery region under the earth that they reside.

It was by his subtle but powerful charms that the Naga Apalala was able to keep the wicked dragons in check. He prevented them from scourging the countryside with violent rainstorms. Asian dragons are quite often associated with the life-giving waters. Thanks to the Naga Apalala this countryside prospered and the grain grew thickly. In gratitude each family offered him a bit of grain as tribute. After some time several of the inhabitants of the place began to forego the yearly offering. The Naga became angry and prayed that he might become a poisonous dragon so that he could drench the countryside in rain and wind. So it is that at the end of his life he became the dragon of that country. To this day Rajas (local princes) in the Hindu Kush are said to be able to control the elements as their influence over local dragons provides.

The Typhon

Typhon was the largest monster ever born. Instead of legs his bottom portion was a mass of coiled snakes as were his hands. His outstretched arms would reach hundreds of leagues in either direction. "His vast wings darkened the sun, fire flashed from his eyes, and flaming rocks hurtled from his mouth." (Graves, Robert The Greek Myths) He frightened the gods on Olympus and they fled to Egypt. Only when Zeus was taunted for his cowardice did he return to do battle with the mighty Typhon.

The area around the Mediterranean Sea is still pockmarked with evidence of this tremendous struggle. The two beings first grappled on Mount Casius, Zeus was here defeated and the sinews that gave him movement in his hands and feet were severed. It was only through devious trickery that Hermes and Pan were able to reassemble the immortal Zeus.

The battle continued in mountainous Thrace where Typhon hurtled whole mountains at Zeus and tremendous thunderbolts electrified the sky. Typhon was here wounded and bleeding. It was due to these streams of blood that Mount Haemus got its name. In his pained rage Typhon fled towards Sicily where Zeus was able to end the battle by throwing Mount Aetna on top of Typhon. This is why the mountain still belches fire and flame even today.

The Ethopien Dragon

It has been reputed that several dragons have lived on the coast of Ethiopia from time to time. These huge monsters were reported to be twenty cubits in length (over 30 ft. long!) and had two or sometimes four wings. These dragons were both feared and held in awe for their skill at killing elephants.

It was only when the ready supply of food on the coast was exhausted that the dragons would search further afield for nourishment. And so the four or five dragons of this variety would twist themselves together like a rope before setting off to Arabia with their heads held high. It is from the brain of the Ethiopian dragon that the stone, Dracontias is derived. This magical stone could make a house prosperous and healthy. Unfortunately it would only work if taken from a living dragon. This, as you might well imagine, was a tricky process. It was necessary to prepare a special drugged grass to fool the dragon into eating. Cunning and grass were the only tools used in this dangerous adventure.

The Welsh Dragon

Wales is symbolized by a red dragon. In the Mabinogion the tale of Lludd and Llewelys speaks of the struggle between this red dragon and the white dragon. It was long ago in the days of the Saxon invasions that this story takes place and it is no wonder that the white dragon is the invader, the Saxons, come to battle the red. As the symbolic struggle comes to a close, the two opposing dragons become drunk with mead. It is in this drunken state that they are both buried in a large stone coffin and placed to rest in the center of the island of Britain. The story goes that so long as the pair remain buried beneath Oxford the island will be protected from invasion.

The dual burial is a symbol of the latent power within the combined strength of the Anglo-Saxons people. Therefore the double burial is key to their reconciliation. The bloody relations have been calmed and the dragons wait to rise together in protection of the island.