The Ethopien Dragon

It has been reputed that several dragons have lived on the coast of Ethiopia from time to time. These huge monsters were reported to be twenty cubits in length (over 30 ft. long!) and had two or sometimes four wings. These dragons were both feared and held in awe for their skill at killing elephants.

It was only when the ready supply of food on the coast was exhausted that the dragons would search further afield for nourishment. And so the four or five dragons of this variety would twist themselves together like a rope before setting off to Arabia with their heads held high. It is from the brain of the Ethiopian dragon that the stone, Dracontias is derived. This magical stone could make a house prosperous and healthy. Unfortunately it would only work if taken from a living dragon. This, as you might well imagine, was a tricky process. It was necessary to prepare a special drugged grass to fool the dragon into eating. Cunning and grass were the only tools used in this dangerous adventure.
