We are going to watch the next two episodes of Gokusen live action tonight at 6 pm pac/9 pm east.
Come prepared to have the parts loaded by going here: http://www.mysoju.com/gokusen/ Hope to see you there!
Password is: yakuza
Hi, everyone! This is pomegranate :)
Japan was nice enough to post my drama/movie wishlist up, but I don't want it to seem like that's all we have to choose from. So, if there's any Asian drama or movie that you are interested in seeing, please let us know by leaving a comment here. (Or, you're welcome to send any of us a PM if you'd prefer.)
I got most of the titles from mysoju.com, but if you know another host then that would be okay too. My only request is that if you find the drama or movie that you want to watch on another site, can you please make sure that it has English subtitles? That way everybody can enjoy watching together. ^^
I'll be looking forward to your requests!
I am really excited about the potential of this club. Just like anime club, we need to discuss and vote for possibilities on choices to watch. So far, Pomegranate provided a list of dramas and movies that she is interested to watch which is written out below in order of interest.
* 200 Pounds Beauty (Korean)
* Hansel and Gretel (Korean)
* Welcome to Dongmakdol (Korean)
* Hwang Jin Yi (Korean)
* Antique Bakery (Korean)
* GTO (Japanese)
* Attack the Gas Station (Korean)
* Volcano High (Korean)
* Romeo and Juliet (Japanese)
* Grave of the Fireflies Live Action (Japanese)
* Thank You (Korean - 16 Episodes)
* Goong/Princess Hours (Korean - 20 Episodes)
* My Boss My Hero (Japanese - 10 Episodes)
* Shinigami no Ballad (Japanese - 12 Episodes)
* LIFE (Japanese - 11 Episodes)
* Nodame Cantabile (Japanese - 11 Episodes)
* Beethoven Virus (Korean - 19 Episodes)
* Galileo (Japanese - 10 Episodes)
* Spotlight (Korean - 16 episodes)
* GTO (Japanese - 12 episodes)
* Gokusen (Japanese - 12 episodes)
* Princess Princess D (Japanese - 10 Episodes)
* The First Shop of Coffee Prince (Korean - 17 Episodes)
I am interested in mostly GTO and Gokusen, mostly because I am the most familiar with them for having seen both anime. However, I would like to broaden my horizons. So please comment with your thoughts.
Now for some things that I forgot to mention about our first official meeting:
Gokusen is the live action drama of a woman who is the heir to become the next yakuza boss. However her true passion is to become a teacher. She reaches her dream by becoming a math and homeroom to the class 3-D at Shiroken High. However, things are not as they seem. 3-D is just a bunch of hooligans and deliquints who everyone believes will end up failing, dropping out, or being expelled. Can she handle it or will she be exposed? Who knows. Gokusen is a funny but serious at times drama. You will fall in love with it.
Hello This Sunday starting at 10 PM PAC time and 1 AM Eastern time, we will be holding our first official meeting of the drama club. We will have a more reliable schedule once school starts
For our first official meeting we will watch the first two episodes of Gokusen Live Action!

The password to get in this room is yakuza. The room will be either created by myself, Michi or Pomegranate a half hour before show time. Hope you can join us!