My name is Carly, and I am 14 year's old. I am always day-dreaming, so my regular life loses some interest... I live in California, so I'm every Beach Boys dream!!!
I've been to Hollywood, Long Beach, and Hawaii.
Even though I go to the beach constantly, I do not know how to surf...I got hit on the head with a surf board as a kid, and was traumatized for life...ANYWA¥, Despite my family's effort's to make me a prepy person,
I remain a gothic/floater type person. And a bookworm... total bookworm!
- Created By CrispRain
I'm Surronded by Kids
My friend is sitting next to me with three glow sticks around his neck, blowing on a pinwheel and bitting his lollypop into the shape of a whale at different intervals. That's not all though! Last week when I asked him if he would trick or treat, he told me he was to old for that type of stuff, and he had out grown the "childish" holiday. What a dork...I need to take a pic of him so the next time he says something like that, I have evidence of his kidishness.
Don't get me wrong, though! There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a kid!!!
Listening to my Music Theory Teacher
...My teacher is really starting to get creepy...O_o...He's singing a rock song about the three little pigs... I didn't even know they HAD a "rock" song about the three little pigs, and I would have live through my life without that knowledge happily if he had restrained himself!!! I can live through this...I can live through this... DX