In this world, I will try to post all of my dreams that I find interesting as I have them. If you want me to post dreams I've already had in the past and recorded (and believe me, there are a whole bunch), then please let me know. They may, and most likely will be completely random, so expect the unexpected!:

P.S. This is one of my favorite songs, and I thought that because of the title "Dream Girl", it would be perfect for Dreamland. Get it? Dream and Dream? XD ............ *crickets chirp*

The Angel Heroes: Character Bio- part 5.2

This is Mary in angel form.

Fire Angel

The Angel Heroes: Character Bio- part 5

This is a picture of Susan (left) and Mary (right). Imagine they have the same hairstyles, but bright red hair.

They wear what they wear in the cartoon.*

These girls are super geniuses. Of course they are twins, and they love science. Thought their inventions don't always work out, their intentions are good.

*For those of you who don't know, they are characters from a cartoon Johnny Test, and for the most part, their personalities will be the same.

The Angel Heroes: Character Bio- part 3.2

This is Natalie in angel form.

Air Angel

The Angel Heroes: Character Bio- part 2.2

This is Lucie in angel form.

Dark Angel

Hope you like it!

The Angel Heroes: Character Bio- part 4

This a picture of Margie.

Margie is an artistic and athletic type of girl. She is a fantastic soccer player, and a fantastic diver. I've known her the longest. She's a great friend!

She usually wears a soccer T-shirt and sport pants with a light blue Northface jacket on over it.