We are starting my world off with a bang. I will be doing a 'thirty days of' challenge. The name? Why, '30 Days of CLAMP' of course. What else did you expect. Just a quick note to mention what's to come (at least first) and let you know what kind of world this will be.
Here's the challenge if you'd like to do one:
Day 1: Favorite Male Character
Day 2: Favorite Female Character
Day 3: Favorite Mascot Character
Day 4: Favorite Member of CLAMP
Day 5: Your First CLAMP Fandom
Day 6: Your Current CLAMP Fandom
Day 7: Favorite Couple
Day 8: Pairing You Don't Really Care For
Day 9: Favorite Homoerotic Subtext
Day 10: Least Favorite Male Character
Day 11: Least Favorite Female Character
Day 12: Series That You Haven't Read/Seen That You'd Like Too
Day 13: Favorite CLAMP Crossover
Day 14: Crossover You'd Like To See
Day 15: Favorite Quote
Day 16: Favorite CLAMP Series
Day 17: Least Favorite CLAMP Series
Day 18: Scene That Made You Laugh
Day 19: Scene That Made You Cry
Day 20: Favorite CLAMP Related Cosplay
Day 21: Favorite Recurring Theme In CLAMP's Series
Day 22: Your Favorite Opening Song From A CLAMP Anime
Day 23: Your Favorite Ending Song From A CLAMP Anime
Day 24: Favorite Fanart
Day 25: Favorite official CLAMP artwork
Day 26: Favorite Set Of Siblings
Day 27: Favorite Secondary Character
Day 28: Favorite Friendship
Day 29: Number Of CLAMP Series You've Read/Watched
Day 30: Favorite CLAMP Series AMV
(A combination of two challenges from this website.)