Dudes & Dudets this is a new site which would be about rock music, the hottest (japanese)chicks,skateboarding and more!!!!!!

Lets keep it cool people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: :






Games______________________________________________________________________________ Rating goes from lowest to highest. the highest is a good 5 stars.And the Dash "/" is half a score.

Sonic the hegehog level creator Rating:***

Naruto vs Bleach v.9.0 Rating:*****

6teen skateboard challenge Rating:**

Surfs Up: Surf r Sink Rating:***/

New Super Mario Flash 3D Rating:*****

Ultimate Sonic Flash Rating:*****

Orange Range Live

Portal gun

when you done with the video or still watching it go to 0:42 sconds an keep replayin it its hilarous!!!!

Best Video Contunues....

I went through youtube trying to find the original video so enjoy these awesome acting.

and heres the original

Fuuny Video of the Week

Im going back to doing FVotW and this video encoarged me enjoy!!!!

Kingdom Hearts :Birth by Sleep Op