Hello everyone and welcome to Nami-chan's Waves of Happiness! This is just a little blog about the everyday life of one Radiologic Technologist. Have fun, and let's ride the waves of happiness together!!!

I have found the reason!

Ladies and Gentleman, I have found the ultimate reason why being a 3rd shifter is so great. The reason, YOU GET TO WATCH THE OLYMPICS LIVE! haha yes yes, I am very much an olympics fan, so I love the fact that it is on, not only all night long, but since we have like a 13 hour time difference, it's all coming to us live. So, what did I watch yesterday? Well, we started off with men's vollyball, then we watched gymnastics, and swimming, then went to handball, field hockey, and soccer. It was a lot of fun! Go Team USA!!!

I like the fact that even though you root for your home country, there's nothing wrong with rooting for everyone else as well. Like, we were watching China and Japan doing gymnastics, and the one Japanese guy fell off the pommell horse and we were like "awwww." It doesn't matter what country they're from, you just want them all to do well, and not get hurt.

Now, i do have a complaint about how they are airing the thing. It seems to me that if you're not a streamliner like say Micheal Phelps is in swimming, you get like no credit whatsoever! Okay, so Phelps won the gold in the IM race, but another American got the bronze! Did he hardly get mentioned? just once it seemed in passing, and they didn't even interview him! They went straight to Phelps! Now, i think that's a little unfair. This guy did just as much as Phelps did, and he still brought a medal back home for our country, and I don't know what anyone else thinks, but winning a medal is a big deal. I would be kinda mad if I won a medal and I didn't get much recognition for it. Okay end rant.

In other Olympic news, one of the guys in the Sono class at my school is an Olympic hopefull in wrestling! He's a representative of his home country, which i just forgot the name off, but good luck to him! And also good luck to the rest of the athletes!

Well, I better get going so I'm not late for work again. lol. Have a great week everyone! take care!!!

Duo and Red-chan's Adventure of a Lifetime: Day Two

Chapter Two: Five Dollar Foot Long

After coming out of the airport we had to go through a tollbooth. Red-chan tried to use her easy-pass, and we slowed down to almost a stop and then we kept going and all of a sudden we heard an alarm and the sign flashed "tole not paid". but we kept going cuz we couldn't stop. So, in essence, we ran the tollbooth.

After traveling on the highway for a bit we decided to get something to eat. We tried to go to a Chic-fil-a but they were closed since it's sunday. We then went to a sandwich shop next door and it was really good. I asked if the sandwiches were toasted like at subway, and Red-chan started to since the "5 dollar foot long" song from their commercials. Afterwards we went to look at things to do tomorrow and saw this e-card and we decided to make one of our own! haha. GO check it out it's friggen awesome.

After playing some Wii we decided to get something to eat for dinner. we went to a huge mall. INside the parking lot we sang "total eclipse of the heart" at the top of our lungs and got some wierd looks from people. We also sang anime songs to and from the mall.

We ate an Italian and Pepper pizza. Here's a snipet of one of our convos:
Duo: "Do you like red peppers?"
Red: "You should have told me you don't like peppers!"
Duo: "I like the white ones."
Red: "Those are onions."

Tomorrow, to the Zoo!!

Red and Duo's Adventure of a Lifetime: Chapter One: Duo Arrives

[Welcome to a series of chapters that cover my 9 day trip to see one of my favorite people here at theO, Red tigress. We have known each other for, I believe, a little over 4 years now. We met each other here, on theotaku.com. Over the course of the years, we have become great friends, and we decided it would be great to see each other in person and to also go to an anime convention together. Thus, our story starts, with me, traveling to place where she lives. This story will be written from my perspective and will involve what I felt, and did over the course of the trip. I also wrote it in diary format. For Red's perspective, please visit her site.]

Chapter One: Duo Arrives

Saturday May 17, 2008- May 18, 2008.

After coming home from a long night's work at the hospital, I arrived back on my side of town around 8am. I decided that it might be a good idea to have some actual canadian money for our trip before I left, so I waited around the house for the bank to open up at 9am. After arriving at my bank, they tell me they are not a big enough company to convert currencies, so I drive around until I find a "real" bank, which happened to be Intrust. I go up to the teller and ask if they convert currencies. She says yes and I start to get excited but when I mention Canada she starts "Oh..." and her smile drops. "We can't convert Canadian dollars here....you have to go downtown. Oh wait...the downtown office is closed Saturdays." Then another teller chimes in with "when do you need it?" "Tomorrow," I say. "Just use your card," she says. "It'll take two weeks to get that kinda currency. Plus if you use your card, you'll get a better exchange rate." So I leave, feeling frustrated, that I just wasted 45 mins trying to figure that out, and frustrated why we can't have an at least small supply of our northern neighbors' currency.

Then I went to the shoe store. They were having an half-price sale so I got two sandles. As I was going to pay a guy comes on the intercom and says, "The next person to come up to the kiosk and say who the artist of the song now playing is will recieve $2 off their purchase!" So i camly walk up there and guess it correctly, and win! The song was a Phil Collins song, and while I was checking out the cashier and I had a long conversation about whether the song was during Genesis or post-Genesis. It was fun and hilarious.

So after that adventure, I came home and it was around 1pm, so I decided to go to bed until someone woke me up to start packing and stuff. Well, no one woke me up! So i woke up around 8pm, and think to myself "Shoot. I haven't even started packing yet!" I wanted to go to my friend's graduation party and go to the River Festival Fireworks but alas. That didn't happen. I stayed awake until 1am when I finally decided to get some rest. Well, one problem there...I never went to sleep. I set my alarm for 4:15am because my dad said we would leave around 5am. So i got out of bed, and no one was awake, so I turned on the T.V. and low and behold, what was on the TCM? "Seven Samurai" The old jap movie the animated series "samurai 7" is based on! So i watched like 30-45 mins of it until someone finally woke up around 5am! Needless to say, we left a little late. The car ride up to Kansas City wasn't too eventfull, still couldn't sleep, even in the car, so dad and I sang songs from the Big Tracks station on the XM radio.

We made it to the airport with no incident and check in was really easy. Now, I haven't flown in a plane since like 1996, so i was new to all these security measures. They have this new thing where you drop off your checked bags in this area. I had a duffel bag and had it tied around the handles and the security guy said "You have to unstap it." Now i was standing right infront of this barrier thing and I thought he meant unstrap the barrier thing to get the bag to him, haha....noooo. He yelled "Put it back!" after i did that, and he just came and took the bag himself. Well it's not my fault, he didn't make himself very clear. I had no idea what he meant. After that, though there wasn't anything else, though my flight was delayed.

Now, I love people-watching. People are soo stupid. While waiting for the plane, I saw lots of different people. One, I saw a 40-something guy take a picture of a younger woman around my age with his camera phone. Yuck!! Also, I sat next to some old people who smelt of coffee. Then a lady came and sat behind me, and kept looking over my shoulder while I was playing my D.S. I thought to myself, "what, do you want to play pokemon too?" Apparently she was looking for someone, but I didn't find that out until the flight was about to board. Lastely, some guy who was last to board tried to board with the first class people. Haha, baka. One of my fears was that I would have to sit next to a old fat person on the plane, but I sat next to a young indian woman. She was really nice and didn't speak much english. During the flight we got pretzels and pop I was glad cuz by that time i was getting a little hungry. There was a little bit of turbulance, but all in all, it wasn't too bad.

It was raining in the airport and we had to use a "staircar" to get off the plane. Then we had to walk about 20 paces on the tarmat and then take another set of stairs back up into the terminal. Then I got lost in the airport. I called Red-chan, and she led me in the right direction. Then I took a shuttle that looked like something from Star Wars! Seriously it was like a big box with wheels! Then I finally go to see Red-chan!! Hehe, I gave her a big hug!

It took awhile for the luggage to come from the plane, so we battled each other in Pokemon. Red-chan totally kicked my butt with her level 40-something pokemon. My poor Pip-kun was only level 19. Anyways, the luggage finally arrived and we set out for home!

Virgina here I come!!!

Missing You..

Hello everyone and good day! Oh it's always awhile when I write on this page isn't it. I know some of you are probably wondering "Where's Duo's version of this awesome trip she took?" and I promise you it IS on the way. I've got a lot going on these next couple of weeks of stuff I have to get done before I can sit down and give my story the full attention it deserves lol. So yes, my version will be delayed, but I swear it'll be worth it! lol.

Right now, I have a head cold, I probably got from riding the airplane. My throat is killing me, and my nose is either congested or runny it can't make up it's mind. Today when I woke up I could hardly talk. Hopefully I can survive work again. Last night was great we only had three morning patients. I like those kinda days haha.

In other news, why I'm so busy, is because I'm trying to find an apartment. Also, I'm going to denver here in the next week, so I'm trying to plan for that. I feel that I am always the one doing the planning for our trips between my friends and I. Sometimes it's a little bit annoying but then again, we always do what I want to do lol.

Well I need to get working on some other stuff, but I promise the next time I update will be part one of "Alex and Amy's Adventure of a Lifetime." ^___^.

OOC: @ RED: Haha I didn't mean it to sound like that I said I kicked ass some of the time not all of the time!! I totally got owned a lot too haha.

Awesome Macross Plus AMV

Hello all, I'm back from my month long absence to plug one of my favorite shows of all time, Macross Plus. If you've never seen it before, please give this little movie a watch, and I hope you fall in love with it too. The music for this show was composed by Yoko Kanno, and the song in the video is actually from the show. Now, Macross Plus is spilt up into an OVA and an actual movie. The OVA came first, and it is my favorite because it has the greatest intro in animation history. When I first watched it the first time, I literally went "Oh my gosh." and I couldn't wait for us to get on with the story! It was just so moving for me! I've tried to find the opening on youtube for you to watch but was unable to find it. It's also the ending to the movie but the timing of the song is different and it doesn't lead into the story like in the OVA. The OVA is only 4 episodes long. In defense of the movie it is slightly better animated because it did come later, and it is also more gory for those of you who like blood in their shows.

The story itself is about three childhood friends, Myung, Isamu, and Gould. After an accident in their past the three go their seperate ways, but of course meet up again. Isamu and Gould are now rival pilots in the new Valkaryie research program, and Myung is the producer for the new hot singing sensation, Sharon Apple. Only catch? Sharon is actually a robot! I'll let you watch the video to decide the rest. I don't want to ruin to much of the story for you, but I guess i can say is Sharon is a lot smarter then she looks! I hope that kinda gives some clues. If you really want more info on it message me and I'll give you all the spoilers you want, or better yet, do some research yourself! Macross Plus takes place 30 years after the original Macross series or an arch of Robotech if that helps you any.

3 MORE DAYS TILL MY TRIP! OH MY GOODNESS I AM SOO EXCITED!! HAHA! When i see you all again, I'll finally have a nice little stamp on my passport! Enjoy!