Awesome Macross Plus AMV

Hello all, I'm back from my month long absence to plug one of my favorite shows of all time, Macross Plus. If you've never seen it before, please give this little movie a watch, and I hope you fall in love with it too. The music for this show was composed by Yoko Kanno, and the song in the video is actually from the show. Now, Macross Plus is spilt up into an OVA and an actual movie. The OVA came first, and it is my favorite because it has the greatest intro in animation history. When I first watched it the first time, I literally went "Oh my gosh." and I couldn't wait for us to get on with the story! It was just so moving for me! I've tried to find the opening on youtube for you to watch but was unable to find it. It's also the ending to the movie but the timing of the song is different and it doesn't lead into the story like in the OVA. The OVA is only 4 episodes long. In defense of the movie it is slightly better animated because it did come later, and it is also more gory for those of you who like blood in their shows.

The story itself is about three childhood friends, Myung, Isamu, and Gould. After an accident in their past the three go their seperate ways, but of course meet up again. Isamu and Gould are now rival pilots in the new Valkaryie research program, and Myung is the producer for the new hot singing sensation, Sharon Apple. Only catch? Sharon is actually a robot! I'll let you watch the video to decide the rest. I don't want to ruin to much of the story for you, but I guess i can say is Sharon is a lot smarter then she looks! I hope that kinda gives some clues. If you really want more info on it message me and I'll give you all the spoilers you want, or better yet, do some research yourself! Macross Plus takes place 30 years after the original Macross series or an arch of Robotech if that helps you any.

3 MORE DAYS TILL MY TRIP! OH MY GOODNESS I AM SOO EXCITED!! HAHA! When i see you all again, I'll finally have a nice little stamp on my passport! Enjoy!
