Missing You..

Hello everyone and good day! Oh it's always awhile when I write on this page isn't it. I know some of you are probably wondering "Where's Duo's version of this awesome trip she took?" and I promise you it IS on the way. I've got a lot going on these next couple of weeks of stuff I have to get done before I can sit down and give my story the full attention it deserves lol. So yes, my version will be delayed, but I swear it'll be worth it! lol.

Right now, I have a head cold, I probably got from riding the airplane. My throat is killing me, and my nose is either congested or runny it can't make up it's mind. Today when I woke up I could hardly talk. Hopefully I can survive work again. Last night was great we only had three morning patients. I like those kinda days haha.

In other news, why I'm so busy, is because I'm trying to find an apartment. Also, I'm going to denver here in the next week, so I'm trying to plan for that. I feel that I am always the one doing the planning for our trips between my friends and I. Sometimes it's a little bit annoying but then again, we always do what I want to do lol.

Well I need to get working on some other stuff, but I promise the next time I update will be part one of "Alex and Amy's Adventure of a Lifetime." ^___^.

OOC: @ RED: Haha I didn't mean it to sound like that I said I kicked ass some of the time not all of the time!! I totally got owned a lot too haha.
