Duo and Red-chan's Adventure of a Lifetime: Day Two

Chapter Two: Five Dollar Foot Long

After coming out of the airport we had to go through a tollbooth. Red-chan tried to use her easy-pass, and we slowed down to almost a stop and then we kept going and all of a sudden we heard an alarm and the sign flashed "tole not paid". but we kept going cuz we couldn't stop. So, in essence, we ran the tollbooth.

After traveling on the highway for a bit we decided to get something to eat. We tried to go to a Chic-fil-a but they were closed since it's sunday. We then went to a sandwich shop next door and it was really good. I asked if the sandwiches were toasted like at subway, and Red-chan started to since the "5 dollar foot long" song from their commercials. Afterwards we went to look at things to do tomorrow and saw this e-card and we decided to make one of our own! haha. GO check it out it's friggen awesome.

After playing some Wii we decided to get something to eat for dinner. we went to a huge mall. INside the parking lot we sang "total eclipse of the heart" at the top of our lungs and got some wierd looks from people. We also sang anime songs to and from the mall.

We ate an Italian and Pepper pizza. Here's a snipet of one of our convos:
Duo: "Do you like red peppers?"
Red: "You should have told me you don't like peppers!"
Duo: "I like the white ones."
Red: "Those are onions."

Tomorrow, to the Zoo!!
