haha good grief it has been a long time hasn't it? I've been busy with work as always. It's hard to get into a regular schedule on my days off and then have to go back to sleeping during the day again. Most of the time I have the house to myself which is awesome because both my roommates work during the day. It makes it easy to sleep and then just lounge around. The roommate I share my room with is really nice and considerate. She has two jobs but she's always very quiet when she comes home and changes clothes and such. Apparently she sits and plays on the computer for a bit and I don't even notice. I guess when I fall asleep I fall ALL the way asleep.

My roommate and I hung up Christmas lights the other day inside the house. They look soo awesome! They start in our room, her half of the room has multicolor lights and then my half has blue lights, and then they go into the hallway, and they turn into icicle lights, and the icicle lights go down the hallway and all the way around the dining room. It gives it this awesome atmosphere when they're turned on! It's kinda romantic in a way. it's just so pretty! then they go about 1/4th the way into the living room and those are regular multicolor lights above this painting my roommate did. It looks awesome. I need to take a picture to show everyone.

Anyways, why is Nami-chan super excited you ask? BECAUSE I GET TO SEE ALEX THAT'S WHY!! Yeap that's right! I am once again riding on those birds in the sky to visit my good dear friend! I am soo excited!! I'm not quite sure what all we're doing, lots of fun and frolicking of course, but I believe we're going to visit Williamsburg and Jamestown! We know how much I love history!! I can't wait to visit those places!! SOOO EXCITED! *Hops up and down*

Well, other then work, nothing too much has been going on. I went to my brother's house the other night cuz he was having a party, so I played Guitar Hero: World Tour with him and his friends. It was a lot of fun. I am a bass master!! He played the guitar half the time and drums the other half and then his other friend sang and played drums switching with my brother. Then another of his friends came and he had the full band. Totally kick ass.

well, I'm off to work! Tonight's my last night before my trip! my co-worker is all excited for me as well! she's lots of fun! I hope everyone has a great week!! Take care all!!!
