Name: Gen'ei Kuroihane
Age: 18
Height: 177cm
Weight: 62kg
Hair: Pale blonde/white(slight pale cerulean blue streak in front)
Eyes: Pale jade green/grey
Birthday: ???
Blood Type: O-
Hobby: Watching the sky, reading, playing piano
Things he likes: Birds(especially crows and ravens), stars, certain music, stories about angels/demons
Things he dislikes: Too much unnecessary drama, people who make no attempt to understand certain things, assumptions being made
Favorite subject: Literature
Least favorite subject: ???
Foods he likes: Dango, any kind of tea, fruit
Foods he dislikes: Onions, anything too sour or too sweet
Gang: ---
Other details/info: The mysterious 3rd year in Akito's Literature class. Transfering to Ikebukuro from Shinjuku two years ago, he became quite interested in the city and choose to remain so he could continue to learn about it's 'will'. Polite and somewhat reserved, he tries to get his point across in as few words as possible most of the time. He has a certain unusual aura about him and some people will feel that they know him somehow even if they've never met.
He's also taken a interest in how the actions of the Dollars and other gangs affect the city's independent 'will'.