
Name: Miyuki (Miyu) Genda
Age: 16
Height:170.688 cm
Weight:51.8 kg
Hair:shoulder length, black, straight-Wears a white neko hat
Eyes: blue-green
Birthday: January 1
Blood Type:B-
Hobby:reading and the violin
Things they like:violin, books, cats, cute things
Things they dislike:crime, murders, being alone, the dark, Lima beans, the sound of crinkling foil, the sound of sharpening metal
Favorite subject: Literature
Least favorite subject: MATH
Foods they like: SUSHI and cute food
Foods they dislike: LIMA BEANS
Gang: ---
Other details/info: Miyu used to live in Miyazaki Japan until she moved to Ikebukuro to escape her old life that is hidden in shadows. She wears a neko hat and bright colors and pretends to be cheerful to hide what she really feels. She came to start over, and hopes that her new life will be happier. She has heard rumors of the Dollars and wonders if they could help her with her problem.
