This is a place where you can find out more about me and what I've been up to lately.
Also, if you have any chibis you'd like to see me draw, this is a good place to request them. Be aware though, that I am working on another project that may make it difficult to fulfill those requests.
I'll also be posting random things - images and video and such - because they made me laugh or amazed me or something, and I thought you might like them too.
I would also ask that you refrain from using any profanity here. I find it to be impolite and unnecessary.
All that aside, enjoy your stay here! My DeviantART
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men..." - Colossians 3:23 NIV
So I decided to go crazy on my pumpkin. I ended up drawing a picture of Goku in SSJ3 form using the Kamehameha wave and using that. It was so difficult for me! All I had to work with to carve it was a cheap set I bought at Michaels with a carving knife that bends if you catch it in the pumpkin the wrong way, and a set of clay shaping tools. The clay shaping tools basically worked, but they kept twisting and bending. So I kept using my fingers to steady them, but now I think my fingers are going to blister. They hurt so much!
Besides that, I went to Video Games Live this past weekend at the Beacon Theatre in NYC. It was really cool, but next time I'll wait for them to come back to NJ. The Beacon doesn't have the best acoustics, so the sound wasn't as good as I'd hoped. Plus parking cost an arm and a leg.
Anyway, before the show started, they played a couple of videos, one of which was called "Yuri The Only One For Me" by LeetStreet Boys. It was cute, so I thought I'd post it here - if you haven't seen it already.
Hey all,
So the weekend is over, and I am so tired!
My partner Laura couldn't come this year - her health is in question - so my hubby came along. He took this pic. You can see a lot of her art on display too.
I wish I could say we did ok, but we certainly didn't even make back what we put into it, so for the third year, we haven't made enough money to cover expenses. I really want to get exposure as an artist, but I just can't keep doing this... Not only that, but NY Comic-Con and NYAF are merging next year, and I have a feeling the price of a table will be WAAAAAY out of my league...
So I started looking through the cards I picked up off the other artists' tables, and I couldn't find the one card I was looking for. This girl behind me had such awesome work, so I tracked down the seating list to find out who she was. Sure enough, it was a girl known well on DeviantART that I won't name. So I did a search on her, and boy was I not prepared for what I would find...
There are endless rants on her antics at other cons...
It seems she and her boyfriend go from con to con renting out as many as 14 tables to sell prints at each one that are pretty amazing looking, albeit all of them pretty similar in style. So this girl had two tables together behind me, and across from her someone with her boyfriend's last name had two tables together displaying practically all the same art. I mean, they weren't the same drawings, but the style similarity was too uncanny to be coincidence.
Anyway, I don't know if they had more than those 4 tables, but now I'm kind of feeling defeated as an artist, because I'm not THAT good and I can't compete with that. (Plus, I can't afford Photoshop, and I won't use a bootleg copy!) How are the rest of us supposed to get ourselves out there when they are taking up all the attention - and money - of the other con-attendees? *sigh* What I wouldn't give to even have a fan base of like, 2 people...
Anyway, this is just my little post-con rant. I don't feel like we did as well this year as we did last year, and I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it. I still plan on working on my own original comic (of which I sold a grand total of 4 copies) whether people like it or not. The more story I have to follow, maybe I'll have a better chance of pulling people into it and getting their interest. In the meantime, I'm still wondering if I should post it up here. I kind of want to, but I have all these copies left over that definitely won't sell if I post the whole thing online. I'm not even looking for profit on them - I just want to get back some of what I spent to print them. Oh well.
So if anyone's reading this, thanks for bearing with me. Guess I'll just keep working and let the chips fall where they may.
Well, I wasn't there today (Friday), and it's a good thing, because I wasn't ready. It's almost 9pm and I've just now finished up everything. I was starting to think I wasn't going to make it.
But anyway, this year we will have some new charms and bookmarks, but I'm most excited about the fact that I finally finished my comic. Well, Chapter 1 anyway. I'm pretty sure it won't be a huge seller because I know people like fan art, and because it's Christian-themed. But that's ok. I'm just happy to have it there to give it a chance!
We didn't make any more prints this year, and I only made a few new stickers just so I could put together some sticker sets instead of selling them individually.
If you guys will be coming by the con, I'll be at table AA8 in Artist Alley. I'd like to tell you exactly where that is, but this year their interactive map isn't quite as detailed. So... hopefully I'll get to see some of you there anyway! Please stop by and say hello!
So since I finished my book (for now), I decided to try some more chibis. I drew Edward, Bella, and Jacob from the Twilight series. I hope you like them! I'd do more, but I really need to concentrate on making charms and bookmarks for NY Anime Fest for now. I'll post some more when I get the time.