Yeah, it wasn't a good morning. We were heading to seminary at 5:40 when we found a dog in the road. I'm pretty sure she had lived there since before we moved here. She wasn't dead, but she wouldn't stand up, and no one answered the door at the house. We called my dad and he drove down and helped up get her in the back of the van. The vetrinary cliic didn't open until 7:30, so we went to seminary(late) and then to Tops. When the clinic did open, they told us that a real vet didn't start till 8, and then she was going to start a surgery right away. So we drove back to the dog's house, and there was another car in the driveway, and smoke coming out of the chimney. They still didn't answer their door or their phone. We thought that maybe they couldn't hear us knocking, so my mom went into their mudroom and knocked on the second door. Evidently the guy was home and he just couldn't move very well. He had just been diagnosed with bone cancer, his wife was in the hospital for a knee replacement surgery, and the dog was sixteen years old anyway. He said that maybe the best idea was to put her down. We drove back to vet, and my mom had to take ownership of the dog. We didn't really want to put her down, though, because she really didn't look like she was in that bad of shape. We left her there and the vet was going to see if there was anything to do for her. Then a few minutes ago the owner called and said the vet had just told him that the dog was paralyzed. So I guess she is going to be put down. I think the owner thinks we hit his dog, but I didn't think it was the best time to correct him. Honestly, I don't feel really bad because we did pretty much everything we could. It was just a tiring morning.
But there's always something good, just like there's always something bad. It's supposed to get up to 60 degrees today, and there is a really nice, warm breeze. My sister has got a job interview, and it's the first day of April. So, despite everything, I'm doing pretty good.
You have a good day, too, yo.
Echo out.