
Grah. So, I'm very slightly depressed, maybe. I like to design characters. I think it's pretty fun, even when I don't have anything specific in mind and just do it as it comes. I looked around the internet a little for inspiration. Y'know, like different cultures styles, other people's characters(I most definately do not steal, though), strange accessories and different material patterns....stuff like that. It all got me pretty excited, so I started trying to draw some random not-yet-made-up character. But I can't. I just don't have the skills to make what I want. I can't get anything right. I mean, I know that sometimes cool things come from ideas that didn't go as planned, but I really can't draw anything that looks halfway decent. I looked over some of my other stuff, and they all look the same. It's like if you've seen one you've seen them all. And I try, I just can't seem to do anything different, or better. Kinda frusterating, you know? If anyone even reads this, maybe they sorta know what I'm talking about and can give me pointers of something. Buuuuut, I'm done rambling(sorry 'bout that) and now I will go keep trying to do....whatever it is I need to do to get better.

K, have a good day, yo!

Echo out.
