I really should tagg people back now lol I got quite a few taggs already..Just wish I had more time to do this but heck i'm gonna make time...(See my questions at the bottom)
questions by Vanilla Cupcake
1. 5 words that describe you~
Friendly, Honest, Respectfull, Funny, Loyal
2. Are you allergic to anything?
Yeah Cats hehe..But I have a kitty lol..Weird huh?
3. RANDOM DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this a question?
4. Happy birthday!
Umm My birthday isn't for next year..?
5. What do you wish for?
To win the Lottery?
6. Are you single/married/taken/it's complicated?
Lol I'm single..A relationship should never be complicated wether it's friendship, Love, or marrage
7. What do you think is the one thing everyone needs the most?
8. Papaya or Pineapple?
9. Hi
LOl Hi to you too
10. If you could be anyone who would you want be??
No one^^ Never try to be someone you're not..We are all unique in our own ways..^^
11. What superpower do you want???
I already have one...You and everyone here on theO is my superpower..It has no weakness
Questions by SmallxLady
1: If you could change your name to anything what would it be and why?
Mmmm i never actually thought about that before...So this Is a tough one
2: Where is your favorite place to shop?
Cd Shops hehe..
3: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I always wanted to live in California..
4: What would you say to your childhood hero if you ever had the chance to meet them?
Okay Wolvernine go kick some ass^^ LOL..Kinda random
5: What is your favorite movie?
6: Name 10 songs that would be in the soundtrack of your life. Why did you choose those songs?
Okay this is a tough one as well lol...Can i get back to you on this one?
7: What would be your dream job?
Hehe intereting question..My dream job will be a Wildlife Vet
8: Where do you stand on the age old argument of cats vs. dogs?
Well cats have nine lives so I guess that explains everything^^
9: If you had your own home how would you decorate it?
Diffrent coloured walls and red colour wooden floors
10: What was the strangest experience you've ever had?
Lol when I was gun pointed by the police In Orchards Lake, Michigan..They thought I robbed a petrol Station,But they later realised they got the wrong man..I guess i was in wrong place at the wrong time..Just my luck..
11: Do you still dress up for Halloween or do you feel it's just for children?
As a kid i never dressed up for Halloween at all..We don't have halloween here where I live..
All done hehe..Thanks to those who tagged me..I'm only gonna tag those who tagged me I guess most of you must be sick of this tagging thing by now lol..Talk about breaking the rules huh? Lol awww well rules are meant to be broken I guess it's not like the FBI is gonna arrest me if I break the rules..Just once^^
My Questions
1)What is your oppinion on animal cruelty?
2)If there wasn't friends and family in our lifes, what would our lives be worth?
3)If you can just correct one mistake in your life which one would you choose?
4)Would you rather be famous, Normal, Royal, Crazy, Rich, or just yourself?
5)Do you think Dinosaurs really excist? If you say yes why?
6)They say we know more on what is on the surface of the moon then whats on the bottom of the sea, do you agree?
7)If Superman is the strongest of all the Marvel characters then why does he have so many weaknesses?
8)If terminator and robocop ever be in a fight, who would win the battle?
9)Name the 8 wonders of the world?
10)Bullies usually bully other kids becuase they have a low self asteem? true or false?
11)Do you think they ever found Nemo?
I tag:
1)Vanilla Cupcake
I don't normally do taggs and stuff becuase i don't always have time for this but since I do have a few minutes on my hands I decided to do this after all....
Questions By Shelynni
I was tagged my a few people..^^'
1. Who is your favorite anime character and why?
Sakura hehe everyone here knows that my now..I guess..Well I love her strong personality..
2. Do you prefer realism art over manga art, or the other way around?
Well I must say a little bit of both actually..Realism art is not my strong point but I love the style
3. If you were forced to draw something in pen, what would you draw without having to use any guidelines whatsoever?
Well I don't have to be forced since I love drawing in pen..I would probably draw manga Something from Naruto or DBZ
4. Pandas vs. Pikachu? Explainnnnn.
Hehe Interesting question..I should say Pikachu becuase he is well More cuter then Pandas..And pikachu will winn the battle..
5. Search up these two YouTubers, watch their videos, and in one sentence, explain which one is funnier: IISuperwomanII OR danisnotonfire
Ummm I'll do that later..Maybe
6. TheOtaku vs deviantArt? Explainnnnnnn.
Otaku..Becuase I love this site more..
7. Who did you subscribe to last on theOtaku?
Wow this is a though question..I really can't remember
8. What pokejinka would you like to be?
Pokejinka? 0o'
9. DRAW ME A SLICE OF PIZZA!! *somehow, someway, and post it on this blog, MWAHAHAHA*
Hahaha A slice of pizza? Okay what flavour?
10. No mo' questions. Ya happy?
No I'm so so sad..The unhappy part will be to make up my own questions..Not my strong point thou..
Questions by Soulanime14:
1 Have you ever wanted to Sky dive?
Yeah I kinda do..Only I'm afraid of heights..LOL
2 What was the weirdest thing you've ever done?
I craped in my pants? hope that counts..Sorry only thing I could think of right now..But I did happen
3 Do you believe in a Zombie apocalypse?
Haha Ironic Question..I feel like one now..
4 Have you ever wanted to be an animal. If so what animal?
Yeah I wanted to be A lion..
5 What would you do if you saw a dragon?
I would run my leggs off
6 What if that dragon tried to eat you?
I would still run my leggs off...
7 What's the last song you listened to?
Ummm I dunno
8 Did you know Death Note is being turned into a American Live Action movie?
Nope I didn't know that..Bet it would be awesome..
9 Did you know Zac Efron is playing Light Yagami in it?
Nope Hehe sorry..
10 If you had to fight with a weapon what weapon would you use?
An RPG No one would mess with me..^^
11 What's your favorite genre of anime?
Haha Do I even have to answer? Naruto Of course
Questions from eijiforever
1. Is it alright if I ask non-sense?
Hahaha No not at all Fire away
2. Oh. Do you know what it feels like when you saw something you want to buy so bad but you can't buy it?
Haha yeah I'm way to familiar with it..I never have money to spend on myself
3. Have you ever eaten something that tastes awful but forced to eat all of it?
Yeah When I were a kid..I never loved brocolly but now i do
3. What food is that?
It was Brocolly
5. Are you bored with this that's why you didn't even notice that there are two number three and no number 4?
Haha you cuaght me..But no I'm not bored
6. If you ever get the chance to be a famous artist (the one that acts) will you grab it?
No I wouldn't..I love the person I am..Never try to be someone you're not
7. What's the worst way to end the world?
Umm I guess If a big astroid hits earth
8. If ever the world is ending, and you can save someone, who is it?
JUst one person? That's not fair..I would want to save everyone
9. If you ever saw a portal that leads to the anime world, will you go in even if it means to leave your family and and everyone on earth?
Haha This is a very interesting question..Yeah I would go into it but not forever thou..
10. If the world is ending and there's a portal to the anime world (which only opens once in a billion years) and you have the power to save the world, will you go in the portal or not?
A billion years you say..I don't think if that ever happens It will happen in my life time..But i will
11. Which comes first, an egg or a chicken?
Haha the chicken^^
All done...Well almost..I ran out of time but I will be back to ask my own questions I promise..And I will tag 11 people of my choice..
Have you ever:
1) Self harmed?
Umm No
2) Got into a real fight?
Once or twice
3) Been too depressed to move out of your bed?
Yeah i had those days once..
4) Tried to commit suicide?
Not yet..i doubt I ever will thou
5) Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?
Yeah i tend to do that alot
6) Watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting?
Hahaha No not yet..I don't have the time
7) Talked yourself out of serious trouble?
Yeah I did
8) Accused someone of using you?
Haha yeah I think so
9) Shoplifted?
I'm not that strong..Oh you mean stole something..Nah..
10) Gotten drunk/high?
Drunk yes but high no
11) Been to a concert where your favourite artist was playing?
Nope not yet..^^ I know i have a lousy life
12) Skipped doing homework to play a video game?
I never had homework..
(Right now) Are you:
13) Suicidal?
Lol no i'm not
14) Bored?
No but very tired
15) Avoiding someone?
Yeah the fairy that throws fairy dust in your eyes to make you sleep..
16) Avoiding some task?
Yeah sleeping
17) Depressed?
Nope..Well maybe just a little
18) Crying?
Nope i don't cry..Or do I?
19) Annoyed with a friend?
Nope not at this point
20) Worried and confused about something important to you?
Do you:
21) Get depressed easily?
Not really..I don't let myself get depressed..I might kill myself..hehe Just kidding
22) Get jealous/envious easily?
Envious yeah maybe but not jealous
23) Feel listening to music can take your mind off things?
For sure..Some loud music will keep me awake..
24) Worry about messing about your relationships a lot?
What relationship?
25) Try hard in all your classes at school?
Ummm Not always no
26) Go out drinking?
Nope I hate alcohol
27) Smoke cigarettes?
28) Smoke weed?
Haha Bob marley did..But me..Never it eats your brain up man..Makes you see green little monsters and flying pigs and crap..Oh and how do i know this? I saw it on discovery channel
29) Do any hard drugs?
Does Coffee count? Cause I need a few 100 gallons of those right now
30) If you said yes to 28 but no to 29, Why?
Mmmm Good question..Lol clever
31) Believe in God/Belong to a religion of your own free will?
Yes I believe In God all the way
32) Avoid people you care about because you feel you will only hurt them?
I never hurt people they hurt me..Sometimes
33) Agree that self harm numbs emotional pain?
34) Believe people deserve second chances?
Yes and even third..^^
35) Agree with ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’? (ignoring the religious relation to that saying)
No I don't agree..
36) Think things will get better?
Yes I believe so
37) Feel afraid that you have done wrong and will eventually be punished?
I think we all will be punished..:)
38) (be honest) Do you judge people who think differently to you? (seriously, be honest)
Sometimes I do..What you asked me to be honest..We all judge sometime in our lives..
Preference in boyfriend/girlfriend:
39) Long hair OR short hair?
It doesn't matter
40) (For Girls one) nice smile OR nice abs?
Okay should I answer this one? No? Okay fine I will leave this one then
41) (For Guys one) nice smile OR nice chest?
Chest? Ummm i'll go for the smile
42) Shy OR open?
A little bit of both..
43) Eyes OR body?
44) Religious OR non-religious?
It doesn't really matter
45) Caring OR non-restricting of you?
Caring please
46) Straight edge OR non-straight edge?
A bit of both
47) Piercings OR no piercings?
Doesn't matter
48) Tattoos OR no tattoos?
No tattoos
49) Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?
A bitt of both..
50) Has friends you get along with OR has parents you get along with?
Would you:
51) Drink alcohol until you were drunk?
Yeah Once or twice
52) Smoke weed?
No i wouldn't
53) Smoke cigarettes?
54) Get even with someone who betrayed you?
Yeah i would
55) Forgive a boyfriend/girlfriend who deeply hurt you?
Yeah Always But forget never trust will take some time to earn back
56) Attempt to kill yourself if everything fails you?
I don't know what I'll would do If I lose everyone close to me..I would probably kill myself
57) Keep your faith (any religious view) no matter what?
58) Join a band as a part time activity?
Umm Nah i'm not a band tipe
59) Feel sorry for someone who is being affected negatively from alcohol/drug abuse?
Yeah I do..
60) Stand up for your beliefs if someone strongly goes against them?
I always do
61) Go vegetarian for a month to see what is was like?
Now why would I do that?
62) Fight someone who was harassing your friends/family?
I'll kill them!!
63) Edit photos of yourself before posting them online?
Yeah Who doesn't?
64) Put up with friends who constantly hated against something you believed in/supported?
I don't know
65) Be friends with someone who was nice to you, but a cunt to other people?
WTF? A what? That is a seriously bad word there..OMW!!
66) Not like someone simply because your friend(s) didn’t like them?
No I'm not like that..I'm always friends with those no one els wants to be friends with
67) Lie to someone close to you because you don’t want them put up with your problems?
Hehe Guilty..
68) Starve yourself so you fit some certain clothes?
Lol no
69) Get surgery on any part of you? If yes then which part of you?
My back..Soon it will be my shoulder and collor bone
70) Sleep naked?
Haha i used to
You can only choose one:
71) Black or Orange?
72) Metalcore OR Post-Hardcore?
73) Cellphone or Computer?
74) Chocolate milk OR Coke?
Chocolate Milk
75) Tumblr OR Friends?
76) Apple OR PC?
77) TV Shows OR Movies?
TV Shows
78) Old bands OR new Bands?
Old bands
79) Pop-Punk OR Alternative Rock?
Alternative Rock
80) Reading OR Listening to music?
Listening to Music
81) Coke OR Pepsi? Define your reason for your choice.
coke..How can i define it taste the same to me..only the names are diffrent
82) Staying who you are OR changing yourself drastically?
Stay who i am
83) Breakdown OR Clean vocal bridge?
84) Jonny Craig OR Kellin Quinn? Define your reason for your choice.
I don't know either of them
85) Ronnie OR Craig? Define your reason for your choice.
Same as above
86) Your life as a comedy OR Your life as a documentary?
A comedy
87) Go to outer space OR Go all around Europe?
Outer space^^ Maybe I'll see E.T
88) Shoes OR Shirts?
89) Chelsea Grin OR Suicide Silence?
Do I have to choose?
90) Drop out of school to get a job OR stay at school and finish your education. Define your reason for your choice.
Stay at school..Becuase Education is good for you..
Almost over:
91) So far have you told 90 truths? And for fuck sake be honest.
Wow this person who made this survey has a dirty mouth..I'm always honest...Be honest with me..Did your Mom taught you to talk like this?
92) Are you quiet about your social life with your family?
Not always
93) Do you want to travel when you are older?
Yeah I think we all do..But it's quite expensive these days
94) Would you let go of people who mean the most to you to follow your dreams?
Yeah why not
95) Did you notice there are no sex related questions?
No I didn't paid that much attention
96) Rather be the opposite gender?
97) What will you name your son/daughter?
I haven't thought about that yet
98) Do you get harassed more than most people do?
I don't know..Do I?
99) What band do you hate the most? Define your reason.
Umm i don't hate any band..Becuase hating is not cool..
100) What makes you a bad person in your mind?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Maybe My short temper? I lose it in sillence^^
Hello Guys^^ I'm back i missed you all so much..I'm back sooner then I expected since i know i told you guys I will be back the end of the month but I got finished sooner..Life has been a rollercoaster ride for me the day I left here but Not all bad, Or thou was there any bad days? mmmm I don't think so..
Well I'm back for good now but wont be online everyday but I will visit all of you guys as promissed..I will Tell you guys what I've been up too later on in the week...
Life sure has been busy these couple of days I barely touch ground but in soe way I like it to be busy...I miss you guys so much already And I've been gone for what? 12 days now?..
How ever I will be back for good this end of the month and i promise I will visit all of you, I will have the time by then^^ as for my art well I try to draw atleast 1 drawing every three days since I don't really have time to draw much lately :(..I managed to finish 2 drawings already busy with my 3rd one..On top of it all I have to finish my free gift event I made +- 2 months ago but luckily I have 3 drwings to decrease the number..XD..
Oh and I forgot to tell you guys that I bought 3 tickets to see WWE here in my country..I can't wait!! I've always wanted to see John Cena and all the others in person since Wrestling is in my blood and reminds me of my wrestling days...Well this is all for now guys I will be back in 2 weeks 17 days to be exact..I will commented on all your arts, cards, worlds, and reply on the comments you guys left me...
Oh and Ashley (Hana Ishida) I'm glad you're back my friend...:)
Thanks for all the love and Friendship