I cant wait

Good mornig Guys..Its About 1Am here now and i have to comment on so much of you guys's stuff before i go to bed hehe...This has been a very busy week for me so far and yet i still have time for all my friends here..If i dont i make time..

So the 14th of feb my dad is coming back from Iraq heeee i cant wait.Really missed him cant wait..And second i cant wait to move to the U.S dont exactly know when but i hope soon..Its gonna be a really big step for me and my family..But i like change..

And when i move i can also meet some of you guys in person..I think that would be awesome..Just to warn you guys i have a very and i mean very strong accent hehehe..

And thank you so much for all your support and feedback guys you all rock..*Hugs you all* i will always support each and everyone of you guys..Seems like commenting on all you guys's work really bring joy to me and its adictive lol..Its like part of my routine these days..^^

Well later everyone..^^
