Aww i love these things hehe..Its fun to answer

1) Name: Bleeeeeh, Werner..

2) Name Backwards: Huh?..What the?..Ummm renreW..This is weird

3) Were you named after anyone?: No i dont think so..Why..Lol

4) Does your name mean anything?: Yeah it means my name..Lol

5) Nick Name(s): Don't have nick names

6) Screen Name(s): Lol..LGA775

7) Date of Birth: 18th of April 1985..There you go..

8) Place of Birth: Pretoria, South Africa

10) Current Location: Still in Pretoria..I think..LOL

11) Sign: Dont believe in that shit..I dont care any way

12) Religion: Christian..(Reborn)

13) Height: 5' 8,,The last time i checked maybe ive grown an inch..Hehe

14) Weight: 170

15) Shoe Size: 9

16) Hair color: Brown

17) Eye color: Green

18) What you look like: Haha like a human beaaaaaan..^^

19) Innie or Outie: Innie

20) Righty, Lefty, Both

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Straight....WTF!!

22) Best friend(s): I have alot..The friends i have here on theO is better then my real life ones..They just keep on dissapointing me

23) Best friend you trust the most: Ummmmm i have a few..And i dont feel like telling you

24) Best friends {your sex}: Again..I dont feel like telling you that..

25) Best friends of the opposite sex: LOL no comment.

28) Crush: No one at this point

29) Parent(s): Yes.And what about them?

30) Worst Enemy: The devil..LOL

31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): Ummm i dont know..Sasuke, Naruto maybe

32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): Sakura

33) Funniest friend: In real life?..Im not sure

34) Craziest friend: Johan

35) Advice Friend: I'm the one giving advice

37) Person you cry with: I dont cry

38) Any sisters: No

39) Any brothers: Yes 2

40) Any pets: Yes 1..A cat

41) A Disease: Hahaha ummm maybe bordem i think

42) A Pager: A what? I'm not a doctor..

43) A Personal phone line: Lol no

44) A Cell phone: No. Hahahaha yeah..Like duh

45) A Lava lamp: Its pointless little things

46) A Pool or hot tub: Yes and yes

47) A Car: I had one

Describe Your...

48) Personality: Friendly, Funny, Crazy, Witty, Honest, Respectfull, Sarcastic, caring, Bitchy when needed and and and and and and

49) Driving: Very good..

50) Car or one you want: A Cheverolet Lumina SS

51) Room: It looks like any other room..It white with four walls a room and windows..And and my computer has windows too

52) Mmh: What?

53) School: Ugh i hated school

54) Bed: Its good..

55) Relationship with your parent(s): Its very good

56) Believe in yourself: Yeah kinda..Why do you.In yourself?

57) Believe in love at first sight?: I kinda use to

58) Consider yourself a good listener: Yes i am

60) Get Along with your parents: Always..I was taught to respect them..If i didnt i would get my ass kicked

61) Save your e-mail conversations: Lol no..

62) Pray: Every night

63) Believe in reincarnation: Hahahaha No i dont

64) Like to make fun of people: Not really..Its disrespectfull

65) Like to talk on the phone?: No not really..I dont ever talk longer then 10min on a phone..

66) Like to eat: Hahaha who doesnt?

67) Like to drive: Yes i love it..Pedal to the metal all the way..

68) Get motion sickness: Yeah sometimes

69) Eat the stems of broccoli: Ohh i love broccoli

70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: Haha yeah..And with my hands..Kinda odd question

71) Dream in color: Hahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!! this made my night..No the colour is finished..Only black and white left

72) Type with your fingers on home row: Huh?? o_O'

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: haha no..

74) Right next to you: Ummm The window and my room door

75) On the walls of your room: I have nothing on my room walls..Maybe a fly or two..

76) On your mouse pad: I hate mouse pads

77) Your dream car: What does it matter..?

78) Your dream date: I dont have a dream date..A place? Maybe on the mountains or on the beach..I guess

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Outer space..On planet Kripton

80) Your dream wife HUSBAND: Haha i havent tought so far ahead yet

81) Your bedtime: When ever i damn well pleases

83) The single most important Lesson: Dont have sex cause you will get pregnant and die..LOl

84) Your bad time of the day: Morning..I think

86) The weather like: Its freaking hot

87) The time: 12:32 Am

88) The date: March 6th 2012

89) The best trick you ever played on someone: I dont do tricks..I'm not a clown

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: Chicken feet..^^..We call them Run aways

91) Theme Song: Ummmm

92) The hardest thing about growing up: Excepting that your getting old

93) Your funniest experience: The dream in colour part.Pretty much

94) Your scariest moment: Ummmm when i fell of a cliff

95) The silliest thing you've ever said: Cant think of one now

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: Hahaha i'm never desperate..And i dont ever try that hard

97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s) When a car ran me over..Actually it was a mini bus..Luckily i didnt got hurt..In fact i didnt even had a scratch on me

99) The best feeling in the world: Being loved..

100) 5 people you tag: I dont feel like tagging any one
