For Nerds like me

Lol after I made up my own questions for the tag virus thats been infecting theO..LOL I decided to create a nerd Survey..It's to test your knowlage and see how smart you are..How ever You are not allowed to use the internet to find the answers and No you may not call a friend or ask the audience lol..If you don't know the question just say a simple "I don't know" or leave it open..

Note: that these are my own questions I made up..I didn't got them from the internet and are my questions I have answers to, but I want to see how many of you can get them all correct^^ It should be fun^^

This is just for those who want to do this if you're not interested it's completely fine^^ I won't come and hunt you down or set your house on fire^___^..I promise...

Lets begin:

1) The moon is approx 350 000 miles from earth but if you go half way and turn 18000 miles left and then 20000 miles right, how far would you be then?

2) a solid object falls about a 120 miles per hour more or less, If you take a car and place it next to the falling object that weighs less then the car will if falls at the same speed?

3) A male human body has 206 bones but the female body has only 205, True or false?

4) Lead is heavier then gold?

5) To meature the age of a tree you first have to cut it down and count the lines inside, true or false?

6) Jupiter has 11 moons and is more then 30 times bigger then earth..If we could live on jupiter how heavy would we be due to jupiter's Gravity?

7) A meteor travels in space at a very large speed but as soon as it reaches earth's atmosfure it burst into flames, why so?

8)If you mix blue and red you get purple? true or false?

9) Our brain has about 100 billion sells, if you drink or smoke weed about 100 000 of them die? true or false?

10) Ab, A- and A+ is the most common blood types, what is the most rarest blood type?

a) O-
b) O+
c) RA
d) B

11) O+ blood types can support all blood types?

12) We are all unique but on one has the same eye prints, Finger prints or DNA? true or false?

13) An artist only get famous after he or she kicked the bucket? true or false?

14) Cars came out in 1902 but today they make cars that can reach speeds of over 200 miles per hour..But you can only drive 75 miles per hour on the free ways..Why did the make sports cars then?

15) Wisdom comes from age and Mistakes, then why are there so many people that makes the same mistakes more then a few times over and over?

16) Light travels at 186 500 miles per second so they say, but how do they know it?

17) The guys in their white jackets AKA "Scientists" say a dog is colour blind..But how do they know that?

18) A magnifying glass burns everything when you place it in the sun, Why just a magnifying glass and not a normal thik piece of glass?

19) When you take Petrol and throw it on a surface above your head like a roof or sailing and take a lighter and light the petrol it wont burn you when you place your hand in the flames. Why won't it burn you?

20) How do they create Nitrogen gas?

21) Trees, Grass, plants and flowers gives us oxyigen but we give trees ect carbon Dioxite back in return? True or false?

22) In the times of the bible people had the oppertunity to get 100's of years old, why do we only get at the most 90 years old? (If you're lucky)

23) They say at the end of the rainbow there a pot of gold..But what is the rainbow really made of?

24) Doctors can do heart transplats today and even lever, eyes and lungs..But will they ever be able to do brain transplants and if its possible will you be smarter or dumber?

25) Sound can not be seen but it can be heard and felt, why is that?

26) Paper are made out of trees, true or false?

27) earth has 5 elements earth, water, fire, lightning and wind which one is the strongest and most important?

28) Lead melts at the temprature of about 350 degrees C, steel at 3150, rock 2950, glass are created when you melt sand so what requires the highest temprature to melt of the four i just named?


29) Our eyes are like a camera's lens..When we focus on one object the objects in the background are blurry, why is that?

30) You get 4 most familliar flame colours, they are Orange as the most common one then blue, 3rd is green and 4th is white.. What colour is the hottest of the 4?
