I'm actually going through with this (Update)

Hey guys^^ I decided I'm gonna make seperate Post for that big challange of mine other wise the post is gonna be to long..Here is the first name for the challange since i was already busy with a drawing before this challange began

The list of names:

1) MangaKid
a) Kitty Boy
Becuase}..... Jen were always an awesome friend not only to me but to everyone els and still are..^^

2) PandaMan08
a) Zetman
Becuase}..... Pandaman were always a good friend to me and I always thought she were a Guy becuase of her username...I hope i didn't ruin your secret my friend ^_^p

3) Soanime
a) Aikagi
Becuase}... Soanime is a wonderfull person i recently met here on theO and her art is very interesting..

4) XxArrancarFanxX
a) Uniform
Becuase}..... XxArrancarFanxX is a very sweet person and friendly to everyone..

5) Kachikamac
a) Eat Man
Becuase}....Kachikamac has always been a good friend to me every since i met her here on theO..And her art is to die for..The best!!

6) Krokun
a) I an Otaku
Becuase}.... I've known Krokun for quite awhile now and she always been a very good friend of mine and to everyone els

7) Klassic
a) Pointy ears

Becuase.... Klassic is such a wonderfull person to anyone and can give vry helpfull advice to those in need..^^
