Hey guys^^ Missed me? well I hope so..I'm back for a while I hope if I can help it...Well alot have happened since my last visit..
I got a new car and I'm moving again..:/ I think I told you guys before..Well the best part is the new car I will add some photos of it laterish..It's an Audi A3 I've always been a big Audi fan :)...I finally have some freedom now that I have transport again man it feels so freaking good not to ask someone to take me here and there.The only thing I don't like about the car is that it's Manual/Stick shift and I don't like changing gears all the time I was looking for an Automatic but automatic cars are so damn rare here since we only use Manual gearbox cars...Well I should just be glad I have a car now and stop acting like a bratt..And Everything is so far away from my Village..The nearest Petrol Station is 13Km away about 8 miles and it's not even a 24 hour one...
I saw some whales today near the beach it's kinda strange because its freakin cold and that's also weird because I live near the beach..I also saw a lion near my home a month or so ago I can't remember If I told you guys about that before..I have the ocean on one side and a nature reserve on the other so I see all kinds of animals here..Well it is Africa after all...
That's all I have for now...I hope all you guys are doing well^^ Speak soon again..