Taking a short break..

Hey guys hope everyone is doing great^^ Well with me not as well as all or most of you already know.. I'm going through a very though time lately..I Need to sort out everything I'm going through and I really hope you guys will understand...My family is falling apart and I just can't stand it anymore.It's breaking my heart...Everyone is depressed and worring about finacial problems..As you all know my dad did not get the contract..

I wanted to send each and everyone of you a gift before I go but I just don't have the time these days but I'll tell you what, I promise I will when I come back and I will be back guys that I can promise you...♥

I guess if things don't change soon for me and my family I just don't know what we'll do or me for that matter..I hope 2016 will be a better year...If I'm not back by Christmas or new year please allow me to wish each and everyone of you a Merry Early Christmas and a happy new year...May all the years to come brighten each and everyone of you with joy and happiness^^ I love you guys and till we meet again.... Sorry guys I wish things will just get better but yeah I'll just keep having faith and never give up...

As for the dedication list I'll still be working on it when I get the chance..:)

Bye for now....♥♥♥
