Life Update

First off all it's been a while since I've actually added a post... I'm not very active either because life is a little rough for me at the moment, well actually more then a little...

You guys remember I told you guys I'm going through a tough time? (Losing our home, Financial problems and all that?) Well Things got a little wrose since then...

We already had to sold some stuff to survive (Not that we had alot to actually sell) But now we have nothing left.. The only thing I have on my name now is a sloppy computer that gives me more problems then anything and of course my car which I'll have to sell too other wise we cant pay the rent....

Some days are more hectic then others but atleast I'm not on the streets yet...I have no idea how much my car is worth maybe $7,000 if I convert it into that currency... 65 000 in our currency... Positivity and will power is all that keeps me going at the moment but its starting to run out....

I don't really know why I'm telling you guys this but maybe it can add some more positivity into my life... At the moment I'm cutting wood too sell for a few extra bucks...

But other then that I'm doing okay^^ Still alive and healthy if nothing els...I learned through this bad time, that life can always get worse... and some people have more problems then others....Always be greatfull for what you do have^^ If you still have your family with you then your rich... I'm gonna keep saying that to myself untill I believe that... (Completely)
