Okay, I figured I needed to clear some things up. Not trying to be rude, but just to get the info out and because I was bored and looking for something to do.
First, my fic Liar is not SaixNaruto pairing! I just put it from Sai's perspective because he fit the best. ~I'm not trying to point fingers, but I get that a lot and I personally do not like yaoi and am not trying to promote it.~
Second, in Good Game the people who died were just for the sake of the story to make it flow right. They don't all die in the manga, but I can't promise that none of them do die in the manga since I am not the author.
Third - this is definitely just for me -, my new fic True Self was meant to be about the length of Liar or longer and a serious fic but I messed up and ended with this. I just figured that people might enjoy something to laugh at every now and then from me instead of continual angst and death. I am working on what I meant to do with the fic right now so if you don't like the humor the depressing will be back soon.
Oh, and thank you guys so much for your support and comments! I love them!