Finals Week

And a lot of other things.

First off, I'd like to start by saying I finally convinced my grandma to help me find a therapist or something of that nature, because my mental health is just... in the toilet right now, my anxiety is through the roof, and I'm pretty sure I have some form of depression. But yay for getting help! after, yanno, 5 years

Exams are almost over for me, and I'm proud to say I somehow got a 102 on my sociology final. I also aced the paper I was crying over, to the point where my professor told me I should consider it as a major.

That prompted a nice little existential crisis in which I became acutely aware that art degrees don't really result in being able to put bread on the table, so I considered changing majors so I can actually care for myself and my parents in the long run.

THAT prompted my grandma to tell me I don't need to take care of my parents, because they're going to be just fine, but -- and I don't remember, I probably didn't post about this -- with her being bedridden with arthritic knees for a month to the point where she bought a wheelchair, my future felt very grim.

One of my friends from theatre reminded me that it's important to major in something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life, and she really helped me out by giving me an opportunity to emotion-dump everything that's been going on. Not to mention she brought me surprise Dunkin' Donuts chicken-bacon ciabatta, which just about made me cry.

Oh, God. I'm so tired, and I have a nasty headache. I wanted to draw or paint something after drooling over punipawsart on tumblr, but I'm wiped out. I had my math final at 8pm tonight after having sociology at 11am.

Goodnight, ya'll. I've got two more days and two more exams.
