I covered a song!

So, I decided to go with "Bratja"/"Brothers" from Fullmetal Alchemist, since I'd had the sheet music and chords sitting around for five years.

I hand-programmed it into this program called Sonic Pi, and I'm basically done with it (there are a few things I could improve on, but hey, for a first attempt, it's pretty good!).

Only issue is, I don't know how to record it. The onboard recorder for Sonic Pi isn't working, possibly because I'm running it on the Raspbian version of Linux, so I'm going to get Sonic Pi for my laptop and see if I can figure it out. Worst comes to worst, I jury-rig some weird stuff to get it.

Once I do record it, I'll be making a SoundCloud and posting links on here and tumblr, so keep a look out for that~

First project of 2018, done! (...mostly)
