Back with a vengeance(?)

hi guys, it's been a solid two weeks since I even thought about theOtaku. Kinda forgot it existed after school started, tbh. wednesday actually felt like it was january 74th, that month was sooooo long.

other than doing work for my graphic design class, I haven't been making much art. which sucks, but hopefully I'll have some free time and inspiration soon. there were some cute fluffy self insert sketches but those never get posted lol

stuff I'm working on (and dying over):
- grant application to continue my Dadaism research on memes
- trying to pass my spanish class and regain the 5+ years of fluency I lost in the last three years
- also trying to pass my history class while my prof roasts the class with funny indo-european memes

I'm pretty satisfied with my other classes, especially my Shakespeare class--in which my professor has taught me, in two plays, how to actually enjoy reading Shakespeare, because her reading quizzes are not absolute hellspawn, and after tackling I Henry IV, Much Ado About Nothing was a much shorter read after I got acquainted with the language of Shakespeare--

oh, and that's not to say I'm dissatisfied immensely with History and Spanish. They're just the most stressful classes right now, since I'm a teensy bit behind on History work, and I have my first Spanish test Monday. His tests are notoriously crappy, and I'm extremely neurotic about making the dean's list and keeping my 4.0 GPA.

I, however, am a Determined Bench, so I know I'll survive. I just probably won't be so active (per usual). maybe when I do update, I'll type it in spanish for practice. wouldn't that be a smart idea

Also, I think I discovered my optimal sleep schedule last night: went to bed at 7:30, got up at 5 to do homework. I actually feel awake and like a normal human. K WAS RIIIIIIGHT*

so, that's all for now folks. gotta watch some more review videos before class in... uhhhh 3 hours? HAHA


*older gentleman in my graphic design class who swears by going to bed at sundown and waking up at 2am every day, he takes classes at my school and also does ASL interpreting for a deaf student I know
