Part One
Hooked my printer up to my laptop. "There is a jam," it yelled at me, much to my confusion.
When I opened the front of the printer, I realized it was correct, and there was very much a jam present. "Huh," I said, "that's not going to be easy to fix."
"Can I help?" my roommate said quite innocently, as I began to realize it was she who had jammed the printer. She later admitted to this, saying she didn't want me to be mad.
"I promise I'm not mad," I said, just before hell broke loose. It was quite a bad time to call my dad looking for assistance.
Part Two
The fire alarm began to wail in a banshee-ish fashion quite all of a sudden. 'There goes my hearing,' I thought, as I yelled into my cell phone, "Dad, let me call you back later."
"[static crackling]" was his reply, so I hung up. He would deal.
We located our RA just as our fourth roommate appeared, coming home early from class. "Of course it's the one day I get out early," she lamented.
'Well,' I thought, 'we did not choose this life. It chose us.'
Part Three
After attempts to garner assistance from my dad were unsuccessful, I did the next best thing: called my boyfriend.
"Hi baby," I said, instantly regretting adding the -y, as it was not my usual greeting. "Do you have any tweezers?"
"No," he replied, feeling quite useless but serving as good moral support anyway.
"Oh, it says you should be able to take the back off and get at it that way," my roommate interjected, so I did that.
"Oh, I got it," I said. "Thank you for the moral support, love."
"That's good. Well, it was nice to hear your voice anyway," he replied, blushing audibly.
"I just saw you an hour and a half ago, you know," I blushed back.
"Yeah," he said, in the quite characteristic way he always says 'yeah' whilst smiling most adorably and shrugging coquettishly.
'And I shall be seeing you in just an hour and a half more,' I thought, plotting to smooch him devilishly on sight. He won't know what's coming to him.
A day in the life of Elricz, Senior Year edition. (and yes, this is my third year at college, thank you for noticing)
side note: I put my hair in buns that oddly remind me of a certain BNHA villain's, so I might propose that we dress up as hero!Himiko and villain!Deku for Halloween, as he has a rather fluffy mass of curly hair, and I'd quite like to do a palette swapped version of Toga as a costume, considering she is blonde and I am decidedly brunette.