hi guys!
it's been forever, i know. i miss yall. i had been good about popping in for a while but i just kinda slacked for a while.
my grandma is doing alright, we're still waiting to hear about how well the radiation did for her cancer. the waiting sucks, but i guess they wanted her to fully heal from the rad burns or whatever. idk.
i finally got around to doing some deeeeeeep cleaning in my house, and found all my old art supplies. im planning on doing some oil paintings, i even ordered some turpenoid and walnut oil. step 1 is finishing one last commission that i still haven't gotten done yet, im so sorry keba im atrocious
but yeah. i have a couple paintings in mind. im not that great at oils so we'll see! ive done, like, three in my life. this one will be a portrait. help meeeeee why do i do this to myself
so anyway, im partly doing some paintings at home to brush up on my skills, and also because i *should* be graduating in the fall, so i kiiiinda need some more portfolio-worthy pieces. *proceeds to paint boyfriend* //shot
what!! he has a cute face and i need an anniversary present. not like im making a video and secretly working on our scrapbook TOO, haha, haaaaa
might be slowly descending into insanity as i only get to talk to him for 15min before he goes to bed, as he is currently working a full-time internship and clocking 9hr days with a long commute, and considering we usually see each other *literally* every day,
vacations are hard for me relationship-wise
but THIS is when i continue to evolve into a STRONG, independent woman with HOBBIES
so yeah! wanna post some art, but kinda need to have some art to post, lol. i might take my paints with me if i end up going to the beach with my boyfriend's family. im hoping i get to go! i really want to meet his grandparents, they sound so sweet, and his cousin too. his family is just awesome, guys. im so attached to them already and they're freaking MOVING TO ANOTHER STATE BY AUGUST UHGHHGHHGHGHHGGHGH
so yeahhhhh
gonna go get some sleep so i can finish this art hahaha
bye yall, have a good whenever! <3