You can’t stay young forever but you can be immature for the rest of your life.
Welcome to my mind. I’m an animal loving, bishie crazed, Dorito munching, ramen eating, elf obsessing, manga reading, fairy fluttering, anime watching, video game playing, lovable artist who tends to find humor in the most idiotic ways…comes from a childhood of nothing but Looney Tunes and Animaniacs.

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I tend to bounce between here and my first love, MyOtaku
But I'm also on:

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And remember,
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Oh Noes!

I realized something…when I run out of ramen is when I know to go grocery shopping.XD I can go weeks eating like…nothing but sandwiches or whatever I find lying around my apartment but when I run out of ramen. TRAGEDY! MUST go shopping then!!!

I had the day off and my brother was in town for a few days so I went to my parent’s house to visit. I brought my new camera…again…to take pictures. I love my new camera…I’m finally starting to get some of the features and have been tinkering around with it so that my pictures are coming out better and of course you guys know what that means when I visit my parents? Pictures of my kitty, FuzzButt!!! Hee! Many have mentioned they could totally see FuzzButt in a manga or anime since he’s the polar opposite of everything the breed of cat he is (which is the super sweet, docile Ragdoll breed) should be. In other words, a bad ass.XD I’ve been thinking of making a little manga mini-series involving real stories that involve FuzzButt but altering them so that FuzzButt is the narrator and what goes through his mind during such instances. Perhaps one day I’ll do that…one of my MANY drawing projects I want to do.XD

So, here’s a few pictures I took of FuzzButt that I took and captioned so, enjoy the cuteness of a cat that I think is secretly, pure evil:

Graveyard Shift

I finished a new drawing and holy crap I did it all on the computer!!! It’s my entry for the NYAF mascot and if you could take a look and comment, I’d be every-so appreciative:

And to answer a few questions from my last post, we know the cemetery next to my parent’s house has 53 people buried there (although only 8 gravestones remain and the rest are who knows where in our woods) because a lady had stopped by my parent’s house a few years ago and asked, “what happened to the old church and the rest of the gravestones?” Turns out the house next door to us now stands where a church did and there was a cemetery that ran all the way up the hill but the stones are all gone but 8. We know this because my mom went to the town county office and asked to see the record of the cemetery next to the house and that’s where she learned, that there are 53 people buried there but we don’t know where. And yes, I used to be scared to death (lame pun intended) of that cemetery growing up but then when I was about 7 or so, my dad and I really cleaned it up (because it was over-run by leaves and branches and such) and my dad said they were now happy that we did that so they are now our friends.

Oh and yes, the Ragdoll breed of cats (what my kitty, FuzzButt is) is the breed that when you pick them up, they go a doll…hence the ragdoll name. But, like I said in my last post, FuzzButt is the polar opposite of everything a Ragdoll cat is supposed to be and he does go limp when you pick him up…at first…but then he kinda wiggles and wants to get down. But, if you’re holding him up to the fish tank or something interesting outside, then he’ll sit still and he pretty much molds into your arms.
Since I’ve finished this post talking about cats, here’s a caption from that icanhascheezeburger site that always gets me giggling:


I’m glad you guys enjoyed my pictures in my last post! Thanks for the compliments on the pictures too…even though those weren’t really any “hard-core” pictures since I was just playing around with my new camera and trying all kinds of different settings and stuff. To answer the question a few people asked, my new camera was about $600. It’s a $900 camera that was on sale.
Oh, and my kitty, FuzzButt…yes, that’s his real name. And FuzzButt is a pure-bred Ragdoll Cat (yes, that really is a breed of cat) and he is…super fuzzy. His fur is obnoxiously soft…like petting a bunny rabbit! And the Ragdoll cat breed is supposed to be so sweet and docile and not like to jump on things and don’t meow much…heh…FuzzButt is the polar opposite of everything a Ragdoll cat is supposed to be but that’s why we love him. He’s got a lot of personality.

Like I said in my last post, I had brought my dollfie, Siluvan with me to my parent’s house so I could take some pictures of him in the small graveyard next to my folk’s house. The graveyard is very old (the most recent date on one of the stones being in 1890) and consists of only 8 gravestones. We learned a few years ago that there is actually 53 people buried there but the stones are gone!!! The graveyard goes back into the woods and over the hill apparently but only these 8 stones remain. Kinda creepy knowing that there are a bunch of un-marked graves in our backyard…very Poltergeist-ish.
So yes, I took loads of pictures but these are a couple of my faves that I thought I’d share. I want to take more pictures of him with more gravestones but this was my “practice run” with my new camera and I know now that I should wait till even later in the evening to take pictures since I thought it was getting too dark but I think it being even darker outside would make it more dramatic!

Camera Playing

So, I went to my parent’s house yesterday because I wanted to take some pictures with my brand-spankin’ new camera! For those who asked, it’s an Olympus with a super hard-core lens and 10 megapixels, baby! My dad has an Olympus he uses for his saltwater dives (the camera is obviously in a special water-proof case) so I’ve always wanted an Olympus like his since it takes some gorgeous pictures and then I see one on sale! $300 off! WOOT! So, I had gotten it and now my dad is jealous because now my camera is a newer model and a better lens then his.XD

I got some great pictures of my dollfie, Siluvan at my parents house because right next to the house is a super, incredibly old graveyard and so I got some great pictures with Siluvan posed around those old tombstones and with my camera set to black and white (I’ll show some of those pictures in my next post). I took quite a few piccys of our doggy, Harley and our kitty, FuzzButt. My mom had bought FuzzButt this…I don’t know even what to call it…like a kitty kingdom that’s really tall and the kitty can jump all over the place and has little dens it can go into and stuff. I ended up putting it together and FuzzButt was “helping” by attacking the little strings and then sleeping on part of the cloth as I was piecing it together.

I compiled the pictures into one image with text…mostly for Worlds since you can only have one at a time and just figured to put them on here too:

*fans self*

So, my belly dancing lessons are going well! I really love it…what I love about it is, not only is it a great workout but it’s a sensual, sexy, beautiful dance without it being skanky. lol! I guess that’s why I don’t really like to dance but I’ve always wanted to learn belly dancing so figured…why not?! But so far I am proud to say I officially know an Egyptian peasant dance! lol!

So, it’s been hotter than Hates here in NY. Now, I love the heat and crave it the 9 months out of the year it’s cold and crappy here in this state however…it’s been too hot even for me! The main problem is that the humidity is very high which makes you feel gross and my second problem is that my apartment just does NOT circulate air at all. Saturday my apartment was 96 degrees and then today it was 91 degrees and it’s cooler outside! My dad ended up coming over to install my bro’s old AC but it wasn’t strong enough so my parents bought me a brand new one and installed that too so now, I have TWO AC’s. My dad couldn’t believe how hot it was in my apartment and couldn’t understand how I could handle it. It really doesn’t bother me too much until I start moving around a lot…like I’ve been practicing my belly dancing and I get incredibly hot just doing basic moves.

Oh, and I’m glad you guys like the look of my dollfie Ducan…who is now named Siluvan. I got a brand new camera the other day and it takes such amazing pictures and tomorrow, I’m going to my parents to take some more scenic piccy’s and moving shots of my kitty, FuzzButt and doggy, Harley to really try out all the features of my camera but I just took lots of shots of Siluvan to try it and got some good ones. Here’s one of the shots I took and I had taken 2 separate pictures of him in B&W and one in color and doctored the colored parts into the B&W to get this effect: