Camera Playing

So, I went to my parent’s house yesterday because I wanted to take some pictures with my brand-spankin’ new camera! For those who asked, it’s an Olympus with a super hard-core lens and 10 megapixels, baby! My dad has an Olympus he uses for his saltwater dives (the camera is obviously in a special water-proof case) so I’ve always wanted an Olympus like his since it takes some gorgeous pictures and then I see one on sale! $300 off! WOOT! So, I had gotten it and now my dad is jealous because now my camera is a newer model and a better lens then his.XD

I got some great pictures of my dollfie, Siluvan at my parents house because right next to the house is a super, incredibly old graveyard and so I got some great pictures with Siluvan posed around those old tombstones and with my camera set to black and white (I’ll show some of those pictures in my next post). I took quite a few piccys of our doggy, Harley and our kitty, FuzzButt. My mom had bought FuzzButt this…I don’t know even what to call it…like a kitty kingdom that’s really tall and the kitty can jump all over the place and has little dens it can go into and stuff. I ended up putting it together and FuzzButt was “helping” by attacking the little strings and then sleeping on part of the cloth as I was piecing it together.

I compiled the pictures into one image with text…mostly for Worlds since you can only have one at a time and just figured to put them on here too:
