Oh Noes!

I realized something…when I run out of ramen is when I know to go grocery shopping.XD I can go weeks eating like…nothing but sandwiches or whatever I find lying around my apartment but when I run out of ramen. TRAGEDY! MUST go shopping then!!!

I had the day off and my brother was in town for a few days so I went to my parent’s house to visit. I brought my new camera…again…to take pictures. I love my new camera…I’m finally starting to get some of the features and have been tinkering around with it so that my pictures are coming out better and of course you guys know what that means when I visit my parents? Pictures of my kitty, FuzzButt!!! Hee! Many have mentioned they could totally see FuzzButt in a manga or anime since he’s the polar opposite of everything the breed of cat he is (which is the super sweet, docile Ragdoll breed) should be. In other words, a bad ass.XD I’ve been thinking of making a little manga mini-series involving real stories that involve FuzzButt but altering them so that FuzzButt is the narrator and what goes through his mind during such instances. Perhaps one day I’ll do that…one of my MANY drawing projects I want to do.XD

So, here’s a few pictures I took of FuzzButt that I took and captioned so, enjoy the cuteness of a cat that I think is secretly, pure evil:
