Pain in the Back

My drawing made it into the top 10 finalists for the NYAF contest! I know it has no chance of winning but I’m honored it made it that far anyway. I’ll probably give my free ticket to my pal, Angie since I was asked to be a guest artist again at NYAF so I’ll be getting in for free anyway.

I managed to hurt my back on Friday…by leaning forward and picking up my laptop of all things! Almost as bad as when I strained my neck opening a water bottle (for those who remembered that fun-filled incident). I went to a doctor and he told me my back muscles in that spot were really tight and that they had probably spasm-ed and that’s what caused it. He gave me some good pain killers and muscle relaxers so I could get through work (I had to work that night…and all the nights leading to today). They were calling me, “dopey” at work since I was pretty out of it and they said my eyes were all glazed over.
Can I see a show of hands of those who can’t stand when others whine a lot? I know I’m one of those people. I rarely whine about physical pains but there’s this lady I work with that is a constant whiner to the point where I don’t care anymore. You know what I mean? You start to lose sympathy for someone who complains daily. And if you have a pain, guaranteed she’ll have one worse. So, you better believe when I came into work with my hurt back, suddenly, her shoulders ached, her back ached, her neck hurt, blah blah blah, I don’t give a crap. Everyone pretty much ignores her when she’s whining but with me, since I rarely complain, they babied me sooooo much.XD They were all very sweet and it was appreciated that they cared.

Picture of the Day is more of those cute cat captions from icanhascheezeburger…and I made an account on there and am going to upload pictures of FuzzButt…maybe he’ll get captioned too since he’s a very caption-worthy putty-tat:
