Much Luv to Vampire Knight!

Thanks to everyone who checked out my evil cupcake contest entry! It actually got more comments and faves then I thought it would for just being a cupcake…even made it to the front page! lol! But thanks, it is appreciated.

So yeah, changed my theme…I meant to change it earlier in the summer for the change of seasons but it kinda slipped my mind, I guess. But YAY! Elves has an elf theme now...even though it looks kinda crappy on Worlds.XD Oh well!
So, I finally got to watch the Vampire Knight anime…I had it downloaded on my computer for quite some time but never got the chance to watch it. So, I started it and ended up watching the WHOLE thing in one setting. Well, that’s a lie, I stopped once to watch the new episode of Ghost Hunters on Sci-fi. It should be longer than 12 episodes though! They left us hanging! BAH! Even though I pretty much figured out it was going to end like that but still, they should have had more! Ah well, I have the mangas so I’ll just keep on reading them! I loved the anime though! The voices were perfect and man, I have a new crush on Zero…I always fall for the lavender-eyed dudes though…and he’s left-handed so that made him doubly awesome.XD Can’t help but find a whole anime based on hot vampires entertaining! But, of course, the story is great too.

And here’s a picture of Zero-kun and Kaname-sama! *wiggles in between them*
