ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღ ようこそ!! そらちゃんです ^-^ ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღ
Hi everyone! o3o
My real name... ish a seceret ^.~ hehe! But you can call me by Emi or Emy... Well that's what everyone calls me >o< I'm almost 22 woots! (Yeah... I know I'm getting old '>.>) And I live in the USA.
I'm usually busy with work at my job, taking care of stuff at home and whatnot. I usually use my free time to learn Japanese or surf the net *-*
I love music, and there's not many genre's I don't like except scremo, rap and certain country music. Otherwise I'm ok with almost anything, just depends on my mood. Though I usually listen to Japanese music lol >.<'
I started out being into anime, but I'm not so into it anymore. I'll watch something every once in a while if it's worth watching >.<' (No, that's not what got me into the language. I got into anime because of my interest in the Japanese culture).
More about me
Kewl stuff:
Japanese, drawing, playing piano, surfin the net o3o
Bad stuff:
Very clumsy, shy, food allergies, unorganized, OCD e.e
こんにちは 皆さん! EMI です。 お元気です か。 はい、あたし は アメリカ人 です。 日本人 じゃない。 でも、 日本語 を 習いたい です。 自分 で 勉強 して いました。
あたし: 二十二才 女の人です。 音楽 と アニメ が 好き。 ^-^
Um....I don't know what else to put lol ^^" If you have any other questions about me, message me or something e.e And I miiiiight have an answer though lots of things about me shall remain a seceret *o* So uh...thankies for visitng my profile! See ya around ^-^ Bye bye!
皆さん、ひさしぶりです、ね? ごめんなさい。 お元気ですか? さいきんあたしは日本語を勉強していまひた。 日本語を習いたいですから。
Hewwo everyone. I'm so very sorry I've been absent for so long. I have been posting art and everything, but I haven't posted a blog thingy in a very long time. *-* I somehow feel bad for that lol. I don't know... So, um, how have you guys been doing lately? >.< I've been alright myself. Studying looots of Japanese cause I wanna learn more and more. I've learned a lot lately but sadly, nothing near fluent yet. I"m workin at it though. After I get my paycheck this week, I have three books in mind to purchase off the Barnes & Noble website. One for sentences patterns, one for verbs and one for particles. I'm so excited >w< My paycheck couldn't come soon enough oh mah gosh lol.
And speaking of Japanese, I had this urge to make lessons for people, but I need people to read them if I decide to make any Japanese lessons. So, my question is; would any of you be interested in following my lessons? I would like to know before I just start postin some lessons up for no one to read xD Alrighty, well I believe that's all. So thanks for reading, whoever you are lol. And have a great awesome day, well er... night... or... whatever it is where you are right now >x< lol
Ja ne~!
I'm pretty disappointing right now. What's so disappointing? Well, I'll tell you. I was absent from this site for a couple of months cause I have a life and all that wonderful stuff. But I came back to start posting art and a new manga idea. So I'm not getting much comments on my art if any at all, even though I've never worked so hard on my art. It's greatly improved. I'm wondering how I used to get more comments on my old stuff that wasn't so good. I'm all "Well, I wonder how good people's art has been getting on this site then? ._." and set out to look at peoples arts... and I start noticing that no body is getting that many comments on art anymore o_o Even they really awesome stuff only gets 5 to 10 comments and I'm all "In the old days I saw art with lower standards get over 20 comments. What's goin on? e.e theO is nothing like when I first joined. Frustrateeeeed e.e
どうして? なんいも しってません。。。 T.T
Are people just not commenting anymore? I don't think people are abandoning the site so that must be it. I don't know... Maybe my art just needs to get better e.e *sigh*
Ah well, in anycase, I'll just continue to work harder on my art and I'll keep posting and such. I now have a bitter-sweet mix of feelings about the old times. Sadly nostalgic? Lol who knows. We all know I'm not in my right mind at any time e.e So yeah.. Until next post~
Ok so I'm like exhausted right now @.@
I had a lot of work at work lol x_x
Like, @.@ lots of work. I finally have a day off tomorrow which I shall try to enjoy cause day after tomorrow is 8 more hours.
Ummm well now that that's over with, I made a new layout on my myO (FINALLY). You guys can go look at it if you want. And as I'm sure you guessed, I"m on there more often than here so I guess I really don't go commenting and stuff all over theO. @.@ eh anyway, so yeah I have a new layout for January.
Um... what else what else? @.@
I guess there's nothing else right now. *body creaks* ow x_x ignore that, I'm just in pain from a lot of physical labor @.@
So yeah, Ima go now. I guess I'll play games or somethin idk. But yeah, have a good evening and talk to you all lateeer
Ja ne!
Oh yeah also @.@ I just realized I've been with theOtaku for over 3 years now... wow lol. 'k I'm done now lolz. bye again
I just got home from work. And I'm tired @.@ really really tired. I am also bored cause none of meh friends is on to talk to T.T waaaaah
Not really sure what to post about. I'm just freaaakin bored @.@ blah. My head ish killin me. NAZEEEE? ATAMA GA ITAIII x_x Doushite? T.T
Hmmm... might go see that Avatar movie tomorrow I am not sure lol @.@ I've heard it's very good.
Well.... I'm gonna go find something to do now. Maybe someone to talk to @.@ idk I'm very bored lol. So yeah. bye for now x_x
HEY! I'm actually on theO DUN DUNNNNNNN 
XD I really gotta get on more often
Cause.......wow XD
Anyway, I'm finally up posting on theO. 
Anyone ever notice I like useing these smilies a lot O_o? 
Cause I'm using them in like every sentence.....
Ok, I'm gonna stop that now XD
Soooo......my site appears to still be themed as Elemetal Gelade. I wonder If I should change it.....*thinks about changing it for a second* Hmmmmmmm maybe later XD
OH I MUST BE REALLY SLOW because I just recently discovered that the quizes are back on theO! Unless that was recent.......either way it makes me sound stupid xD but oh well......Like I said, I really gotta get on theO more often -.-'
I'm not really sure what else to say so.......I'm all finished X3 Have an awesome day all you peoples of myO/theO XD
Ja ne!