I am teh Emo Biznich!!!
Everyone bow down to meh emoness!!!!!
Jk JK. So like meh other world Not all teh storeh's
will have happy plot's and ending's. But some will in this world.
I will also have other ppl post there storeh's on hur so yah.
Ejoy the dark depth's of my and my friend's mind's


I'm soooooooooooooooo borred. My gf's never on when I am!!!!!!!!!!!
*slamb's head on desk* My neice and neohew are pissing me off.
They keep getting into thing's. This probubly bring's up a very
important questian. Why am I on the interweb if I'm babysitting?
Well the answere is that I have them right here with me. There
jumping on my sisters bed. Hehe it's all messed up now^w^
I'm also a bad babysitter. God know's why my sister intend's on
having me babysit them. Oh well, I better go before they brake anything.

I'm 190% emo

[x] I like skinny jeans

[x] Music is life.

[x] u have written /wrote poetry/song lyrics before.

[x] My hair covers part of my face

[x] wear band shirts

[x] I know who Jeffree Star is.

[x] I wear/wore converse

[x] I wear/wore vans.

[x] I wear/wore eyeliner

[x] I have/had/want my lip pierced

[x] I listen to The Used

[x] I am lost without a CD player/iPod/mp3

[x] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.

[x] I have no issues with bi/gay people

[x] I hate the president.

[] I have/had a Mohawk.

[x] I've worn black nail polish

[x] I like slipknot

[x] I hate where I live.

[x] Black is a good color

[] Right now I am listening to music

[] I know what hxc means.

times ur result by 10 and repost as "im __% emo"

Cuz ur worth it

I'm sooooooooooo bored.........I think I shall hold u hostig now.
.........Hahahahhahahahhahahah. I'm jking^w^. I'm just realy bored
and I need to keep myself preocupied. The last time I got bored I
started messing wihtmy lil sis. It got me slaped in the face wiht the back of her pizza.
Then she started eating the same slice. Hmmmmmm.......I'm running out of thing's to do.

Ok here we go!!!!!! I will make my name................*thinking of randome names*
James*I'm a girl ^w^*

James: Hey, What ya doing?

David: Making mud puddels!

Marisa:Wanna help?

James: Yah!*jump's down and start's putting water on the uneven ground*

Marisa: WHat's that?

James:*gasp* It's Mr. Wormmy!!!!!!

David: Oh no! Poor Mr. Wormmy!

Marisa: Let's give him a burial!

James: Yah!!*pick's Mr. Wormmy up with a stick*

David: Poor Mr. Wormmy. He died because he got curiouse.

Marisa: We just meat the guy too.

James: *put's Mr. Wormmy in the little hole in the ground* There. May you reast in pease......

David: Who killed him?

Marisa and James: I don't know.

David:.....I'm hungry. Let's go inside.

James: Yay!*run's inside with the others*

Ok that happened a long ass time ago. It was one of thos 'you hade to be there'
story's. I was like ten when this happened. Just a recap, my name isn't realy James and I am a girl. If have any q's just pm me. If u wanna know more thing's that I've done when I got bored then pm me....OK I'm out of ideas...Bye!!

Emo Biznich~

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