Emos welcome!!
Wull, I figured that Apathetic Obsessiveness was gonna get packed with all the emo poems I wanted to put in... but yeah! I have a whole ton, and if you want to contribute, please do! Please don't swear in them tho, Im tryin to break that habit myself, and I don wanna get kicked off here! Because if you swear, that sets me off, and....
Sorry, I digress. Have fun everyone!
And please PM me if you want to be a guest poster here... btw, i accept everyone, unless ur a jerk, ok?
what is this thing
that wraps its claws around my heart
it burns within me
it burns within you
like an ancient fire
awakened by some prophecy
yet it is cold like ice
your eyes
my eyes
like shards of frozen auroras
its dark like shadows
black fire black ice
throwing night onto its victims
obliterating everything
a giant black hole
i feel it for you
you feel it for me
a second later, were all dead
a field full of snow
so innocent so pure
it laughs in my face
how id love to see what's under the surface
that were once thought to be beautiful
they take away peoples souls
like vampires
feeding on the blood of feelings
in the night of eternal sleep
i am so beautiful
or so you say
you dont know whats under the surface
ugly distorted emotions
the sadness of the souls ive eaten
you stupid fool
get away before i hurt you too
slashes across the snow
the red roses start to peek through
hurting you hurts me
so i hurt myself
it searches everywhere it can think
the pain growing even as it searched
knowing that the time was coming soon
it flew overhead scanning around it
and then, it spotted her
why it screams to itself
still fighting the hunger
it swooped towards her
knowing that it was the only way
it attacked dropping down on her
it struck quick at her small neck
hating itself it drained her blood
slowly it lowered her to the ground
laying her down quickly it flew off
not wanting to see what it had done
small tears falling down as it flew
knowing that if it hadn't done that
then it would die still it wished
that it would die instead knowing
that the hunt would come agian soon
why couldn't it
die it wonders
conferences tonight
i doze off half thinking
half dead
until the music comes on
its time for session
and i wake up immediately
ready to start
the music makes me angry
the music makes me sad
but i repress it with anger
the music makes me feel pained emotionally
so i replace it with tangible physical pain
my dad lectures me on
notes missing assignments and my social manners
all i can hear is the music
he says i dont have to be perfect
but how can i not work toward perfection
if thats all my subconscious wants
shadow attacks me again
with memories i dont wanna see
im in my own world to forget
how messed up my real world is
im getting high off
chemicals produced naturally in my brain
so why does it feel like im sinking deeper?
tomorrow im gonna try
to stay off the adrenaline
knowing with dread
that im gonna go through withdrawal
and get right back on the stuff
you cant save me
i cant even save myself
so dont bother
ill stay here