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To-Do List

About Me!

Name: Danielle; but you can also call me Dani or Eneko!
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: October 22, 1992
Gender: genderfluid, all pronouns loved!!!
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Orientation: demiromantic graysexual, in a relationship
Occupation: I work for Louisiana's tax and revenue division!
Favorite Music: I heavily favor lyricless songs, but I like some wordy ones too. Cartoon, video game and movie soundtracks, classical, 30s/40s/50s music, electro-swing, older country, electronic, The Beach Boys, and Green Day.
Favorite Books/Series: The Ghatti's Tale by Gayle Greeno; Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey; Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams; The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey.
Favorite Movies: The Hobbit, The Emperor's New Groove, Lego Movie, Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory
My biggest fandoms: top three? Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon.
Personality: People have told me I'm always super-happy and I am really optimistic about everything. I don't take anything for granted, and appreciate every little thing. Sometimes my honest enthusiasm about everything comes off as childish, but I am a mature person. I laugh a LOT too. And I have the hugest appetite, despite my small stature. Also I'm naturally intelligent, but I find it hard to concentrate on many things, and my memory suffers because of it too. I love video games, tv, Tumblr, drawing, reading, cosplaying, and eating. I talk to myself A LOT.
I Hate: the mall; smokers and drugs; Porn of kid shows or ones I've grown up watching; rulebreakers; I hate being wrong; I hate when people copy offa me. I hate the act of body-shaming.
I Love: my (deceased) cat, Peanut; I love feeling important to certain people in my life; Pokemon, Skyrim, and Animal Crossing are my top 3 fandoms. I also love: Adventure Time; Regular Show; AtLA; LoK; Steven Universe; Chowder; Scrubs; Psych; Fallout; Tumblr; coffee; EVERY CAT IN THE WORLD.

Other Sites I'm a Member of!:

DeviantArt: Eneko-wweh
Tumblr: Spoopy-eneko
Skype name: Nyarthy-kun
Livestream channel: Right over here!!!
Aaaaand, here's my Facebook account. You can have it! Danielle!!

I want this on a shirt

The top pic. Not the phones. :p

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Scared to be alone... QmQ

Well first of all, meh, because Naquin instigated a conversation in which he suggested (and I reluctantly agreed) that we go back to being just best buds. This whole time I've been terrified of losing him, and always worried that the dating thing wouldn't work out in the long run, so this is probably the best route. And the fact that he said he was thinking in terms of long-term and down the road, saying that we should stop, I think that really shows how much he values our friendship. So that kinda makes me happy. Hopefully things won't be awkward between us... seriously, if I lose him as a friend I'm going to be so annoyed. Even before we started dating, I was convinced we wouldn't work. Meh.

Anyway, talking about the title to this post, I'm hanging out with Becca (my bestie, if you forgot) and she showed me this. It's called "Creepy Majora's Mask" or something similar. It's a site with basically the diary of this guy who got a really demented copy of Majora's Mask for N64 and creepy things started happening to him and he went kinda insane. He even took videos of the messed-up gameplay and it's freaky. The gameplay music was even ripped and played backwards. Songs played backwards REALLY scares me. It really creeped me out, maybe I just get freaked easily but it scared me a lot. I don't like scary things... especially if it's unexplainable or mysterious... anyway if you're brave or like a mystery, check out this site.

So I'm scared to go back to my apartment alone... Becca also had gotten scared when she saw it the first time, so she understands and says that I can sleep at her house tonight if I want. I'm so taking up her offer. I'm nervous to be alone. >.>;

In less scary words, Val and I have been designing a pair of 14 year old Totodile gijinka twins!! Their names are Ikue (mine) and Daichi (hers), and they're boys of course. So cute. We have been talking about making a collab art with both of them, and using a site like Pchat to both draw on the page at the same time. It will be cool and interesting to see a piece of art with both of our different art styles on it at the same time, the two characters interacting!

I might start doing the Story Thus Far for PGR again... It's about time I updated it. I feel bad about not doing it.. XD

Eneko out!

I laughed.

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By the way

Did I mention I'm addicted to this game

Because I am

Eneko out

I saw this and didn't think twice.

Browsing Skyrim pictures on DeviantArt, and I saw this come up in the results. I didn't think twice. I went directy to the original site and bought it right away. It's on its way in the mail to me right now.

I'm so effing excited.

Eneko out.