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To-Do List

About Me!

Name: Danielle; but you can also call me Dani or Eneko!
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: October 22, 1992
Gender: genderfluid, all pronouns loved!!!
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Orientation: demiromantic graysexual, in a relationship
Occupation: I work for Louisiana's tax and revenue division!
Favorite Music: I heavily favor lyricless songs, but I like some wordy ones too. Cartoon, video game and movie soundtracks, classical, 30s/40s/50s music, electro-swing, older country, electronic, The Beach Boys, and Green Day.
Favorite Books/Series: The Ghatti's Tale by Gayle Greeno; Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey; Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams; The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey.
Favorite Movies: The Hobbit, The Emperor's New Groove, Lego Movie, Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory
My biggest fandoms: top three? Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon.
Personality: People have told me I'm always super-happy and I am really optimistic about everything. I don't take anything for granted, and appreciate every little thing. Sometimes my honest enthusiasm about everything comes off as childish, but I am a mature person. I laugh a LOT too. And I have the hugest appetite, despite my small stature. Also I'm naturally intelligent, but I find it hard to concentrate on many things, and my memory suffers because of it too. I love video games, tv, Tumblr, drawing, reading, cosplaying, and eating. I talk to myself A LOT.
I Hate: the mall; smokers and drugs; Porn of kid shows or ones I've grown up watching; rulebreakers; I hate being wrong; I hate when people copy offa me. I hate the act of body-shaming.
I Love: my (deceased) cat, Peanut; I love feeling important to certain people in my life; Pokemon, Skyrim, and Animal Crossing are my top 3 fandoms. I also love: Adventure Time; Regular Show; AtLA; LoK; Steven Universe; Chowder; Scrubs; Psych; Fallout; Tumblr; coffee; EVERY CAT IN THE WORLD.

Other Sites I'm a Member of!:

DeviantArt: Eneko-wweh
Tumblr: Spoopy-eneko
Skype name: Nyarthy-kun
Livestream channel: Right over here!!!
Aaaaand, here's my Facebook account. You can have it! Danielle!!


Got an email:
"Dear Toshiba Customer, Your laptop is being prepared for shipment on 12/23/2011 and will arrive to you within 2 business days."

YESSS! Toshi's on his way back!!!!

Eneko out!

Finally got something done!

Well today I have been all by my lonesome at my apartment, and aside from playing some Animal Crossing gc, checking TheO every 5-10 minutes, and watching Psych, I've done nothing all day. And I'm bored as eff. Though earlier (around 1) I sat down and finally drew, inked, and colored my secret santa gift!! All in under 3 hours. I now have a scanner at my apartment courtesy of my dad's dinosaur of a gf, but now Toshi's gone. So I can't upload anything and I can't type up a post.

But I got something done today, that's what counts, right? xD

At 6 dad and my siblings are coming over to have our little premature Christmas with our dad, since we'll be with mom on Christmas. And dad will finally pay me back for the little $214 Special Pokemon Edition Game Boy Color I wanted from Ebay.XD I had to buy it right then because the bid was ending the next day and it was well before Christmas.

Well that killed about 6 minutes... I AM SO BORED

Eneko out.

Well then.

So apparently mom and I cant go three days without clashing... -__-; Friday she just blew up over nothing. Well, I think I was insensitive to her feelings, but that's it. She was already mad at something dad had done (not pay child support in time), but she started taking it out on us kids, and venting, but we honestly didn't really care. See, that there is a problem. She has anger problems. Thankfully this past weekend was dad's weekend, which meant that we could all escape to my apartment until mom cooled down. I was planning on talking to her about what she thought I did wrong when we got back, because there's no use trying to reason with her when she's mad. XD. But now she finished cooling down and I still dunno what to say. I'm not even sorry for it. So I guess i'm gonna do the lazy thing and just leave it alone.

I sent Toshi out in the mail on Friday and the Toshiba people recieved him on Monday, so he's in the process of getting all better! I miss having a full keyboard I can type on... I hope he comes back soon.

The new problem is, mom's now refusing to give me my car back!!! A while ago her van broke down and out of the goodness of my heart, I let her borrow my car a little, but now she is borrowing it nonstop, and I never have it when I need it anymore. And now she says that she doesn't have to give my car back, because all of a sudden it's hers now?? She says in the property settlement it says dad gets one working car and she gets the other. And she thinks that MY car is one of the working ones. Sierra just got a car! They can share that!! I vented about this to dad and he says that the order doesn't say that. It says that mom specifically gets the van, dad gets his white Vibe thingy, and I get my Nissan Sentra. He says he can help me get my car back. I hope so. My bestie Becca has been saying her family has a lot of extra cars they're not using, and her mom even suggested my mom use Becca's brother's old truck. It has insurance and everything. So one day I mit just drop that truck off at the house and just take my car. Make mom use it.

Oh!! So now it's Facebook official, Naquin and me. I hear there were good comments on the new relationship status so I'm glad people approve of us. XD. His family even invited me to their Christmas day party. Hope I can go!! Slightly nervous about all the new people I'll have to meet... But then again, we BOTH come from large French-Cajun-Italian families so I'm used to it, right? ...

Today I'm gonna try to work on Nyarth's post, but on paper instead since I don't have anything to type it on, and this iPad is a pain to type on. So as soon as Toshi gets back from rehab, I'll have it up. Gotta work on my secret santa too...

Yesterday I got Naquin to borrow my other phone (the one dad gave me) so we can keep in touch better, and he's coming by after work today to give it back. I'm thinking I'll get Becca to pick me up and drive me to Walmart so I can buy stuff, and then make a home-cooked meal for him when he gets here! It'll be so cute, like "Honey I'm home!" "Look, I made supper like a good little wife! Come eat and rest your tired feet while watching tv!!" loool. So funny. XD.

I've been playing Animal Crossing for the Gamecube this past week! I always loved it. I have a perfect town now, too! It took some time but I got it. Now to wait for the Golden Axe!! *-*

Eneko out!

Christmas Pics :D

Here's two of the best Christmas pictures that our family chose! And I threw that middle one in because it looks funny XDD My brother Thomas and I decided to make faces at each other the last second XD Of course I'm the freckly one, then my...

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Oh yeah

Also Toshi, my new computer, is sick again. He just won't turn on. I plug him in and the area around his touchpad gets really hot. So I'm sending him back to the Toshiba people to fix him up again. He's so sickly... granted, the first time was my fault, I dropped him and shattered his hard drive... but really! I just got him fixed, and he gets sick all over again! -_-#

By the by, I returned to my mom's house for temporary over the winter break, because my apartment is reallllyyyy lonely. Also since mom's van broke down and she's been using my car (who is actually named Michael, after my bf XD), I haven't had my car at my apartment so I couldn't go anywhere. SOOOOOO I moved back home for the free food, the car use when mom isn't using it, and also my old laptop Lappi is still over here. She freezes up every like 10 minutes and it's annoying, but she has a full keyboard and now I'll get to typing my post for Nyarth!! So don't kill me yet Afton

Naquin's took a winter break job that only lets me talk to him two hours in the evening each day, so I'm sad about that, but it's liveable. XD I'm debating driving to my apartment to get the Xbox and MW2 to be able to play it here at mom's house.

Talking about mom's house, now I'm back under her crazy-*ss rules!! GAH!! I guess it's the price I have to pay for the benefits here. -_-; She keeps making up messes around the house that aren't there and telling us to clean them. Sigh.

I've had the urge to draw lately... many things come to mind but I've been too lazy to find a pencil and paper to draw them on. Or to pick up Pepin, my tablet pen, and draw on the computer. I wanna draw Nyarth and Estelle, Glyph, Delin, a gay threesome piccy with PatrickxDelinxGlyph FFFFFT and a couplea other things.

We'll see what happens~!

Eneko out!