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To-Do List

About Me!

Name: Danielle; but you can also call me Dani or Eneko!
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: October 22, 1992
Gender: genderfluid, all pronouns loved!!!
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Orientation: demiromantic graysexual, in a relationship
Occupation: I work for Louisiana's tax and revenue division!
Favorite Music: I heavily favor lyricless songs, but I like some wordy ones too. Cartoon, video game and movie soundtracks, classical, 30s/40s/50s music, electro-swing, older country, electronic, The Beach Boys, and Green Day.
Favorite Books/Series: The Ghatti's Tale by Gayle Greeno; Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey; Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams; The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey.
Favorite Movies: The Hobbit, The Emperor's New Groove, Lego Movie, Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory
My biggest fandoms: top three? Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon.
Personality: People have told me I'm always super-happy and I am really optimistic about everything. I don't take anything for granted, and appreciate every little thing. Sometimes my honest enthusiasm about everything comes off as childish, but I am a mature person. I laugh a LOT too. And I have the hugest appetite, despite my small stature. Also I'm naturally intelligent, but I find it hard to concentrate on many things, and my memory suffers because of it too. I love video games, tv, Tumblr, drawing, reading, cosplaying, and eating. I talk to myself A LOT.
I Hate: the mall; smokers and drugs; Porn of kid shows or ones I've grown up watching; rulebreakers; I hate being wrong; I hate when people copy offa me. I hate the act of body-shaming.
I Love: my (deceased) cat, Peanut; I love feeling important to certain people in my life; Pokemon, Skyrim, and Animal Crossing are my top 3 fandoms. I also love: Adventure Time; Regular Show; AtLA; LoK; Steven Universe; Chowder; Scrubs; Psych; Fallout; Tumblr; coffee; EVERY CAT IN THE WORLD.

Other Sites I'm a Member of!:

DeviantArt: Eneko-wweh
Tumblr: Spoopy-eneko
Skype name: Nyarthy-kun
Livestream channel: Right over here!!!
Aaaaand, here's my Facebook account. You can have it! Danielle!!

Sexy Saxophone Man!

I freaking LOVE this guy!! I saw it last year in band and we got one of our own saxophone players to go into the cafeteria during lunch and play it!! A lotta people laughed XDD

This is Sexy Saxophone Man playing Careless Whisper!!!! :3

Birthday Wishes

First off thank you ALL for the birthday comments and wishes and gifties!!! I love EVERYONE!! <33333 It's like every time I refreshed my backroom I had more messages X3

I had a busy but good day yesterday! Well the night before I had stayed up till 4am playing Nazi Zombies with a lot of my guy friends in their dorm (also we went to Waffle House at 3am), and then we all finally went to bed there and I was only able to sleep two hours because I had to get ready for the band practice before the football game! XD

So I went to the practice at 8:30am, and the game started at 2:30. LSU vs Auburn. We totally SQUISHED them! 34 to like 10 or something. Like bosses. Towards the 3rd quarter the whole student section started chanting "We want Bama! We want Bama!!" XD

And my favorite band song of all time is called Boogie Down, this time we actually got through the whole song! Every time we try to play it, Chase (our drum major) cuts us off in the middle because we gotta play a first down cheer or something. We never finish that song. But we did yesterday and that was a good little birthday present! X3

After the game I hung out at Naquin's dorm again, there were people just hanging out, some drunk and some not, looking after the drunk ones. And it took us a long time but we realized, Woah! There's a guy passed out in the top bunk and nobody noticed! XDD He was one of the roommates. Anyway then I went back home and dad took me out for ice cream!~ Then I collapsed in my bed from exhaustion.

And now today Naquin and Becca and her bf Neil are coming to my apartment and we're leaving for a hiking trip at 10! It's at Clark Creek, in Mississippi. We're all gonna take one of our four cars and buy Subway on the way there and after hiking halfway, eat lunch :D The hike takes you past like 3 waterfalls so it'll be fun! I can't wait :3

So many PGR posts from yesterday to read; if I have time after the hike today I'll read them! Or if I'm not the one driving to Mississippi, I'll read them on the way to the hike :3 Can't wait to see what happened while I was gone!

Anyway thank y'all again for my birthday wishes!! I love you all!!! *chu*

Eneko OUT!


It's 3:12am and I'm 19 now! Whooot! *dances* I've been hanging out with my best bud Naquin after school till now, and his friends. Some are drunk but both me and Naquin are staying sober to take care of everyone else. Actually we don't drink at all :p alcoholism messed up both of our families so yep. We watched SpaceJam!! It was good! You know the one with Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan!

So I gotta report to practice (before the vs. Auburn game) at 8:30am later today. That'll be fun, running on no sleep X3

Eneko out!

Yesterday was a great day!

Well I submitted like 4 artworks, and THREE OF THEM MADE THE 8 MOST ACTIVE FANARTS SECTION!!!

Also, I posted for Nyarth and it was 11 pages long and Afton says it was a great post, so yesterday was a very good day. *nods and then dances a happy dance*

Eneko out!

So, you know...

...how Tiger Band is really strict and competitive also? And if you're late or mess up at any time you can lose your spot in Pregame?

Well for today's game I got mixed up with where we were warming up beforehand, so I was late... and I lost my spot in Pregame... I'm so upset about it. And during the game today and I was up in the stands, watching everyone else do it... I seriously was in tears. Man...

The way the replacement works is, if a clarinet messes up, an alternate clarinet that isn't in Pregame takes their spot. The way I can get back in Pregame is if a clarinet messes up and I'm chosen out of the other two clarinet alternates to go back in. I doubt anyone will mess up though.

Apparently, usually freshmen don't get chosen to be in Pregame at all. This year a lot of freshmen made it, including me, so I guess it's been a great honor and good luck, but it had to end. I just wish I had my spot back...... TT^TT

All of us, we actually hate Pregame. It's really tiring and hard to peak step. But we all have this desire to be in it. Like, you GOTTA be in Pregame or else there is no meaning to life. It's like a love-hate relationship. I really wish I was still in it...

Ugh. Balls.

Eneko out.