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About Me!

Name: Danielle; but you can also call me Dani or Eneko!
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: October 22, 1992
Gender: genderfluid, all pronouns loved!!!
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Orientation: demiromantic graysexual, in a relationship
Occupation: I work for Louisiana's tax and revenue division!
Favorite Music: I heavily favor lyricless songs, but I like some wordy ones too. Cartoon, video game and movie soundtracks, classical, 30s/40s/50s music, electro-swing, older country, electronic, The Beach Boys, and Green Day.
Favorite Books/Series: The Ghatti's Tale by Gayle Greeno; Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey; Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams; The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey.
Favorite Movies: The Hobbit, The Emperor's New Groove, Lego Movie, Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory
My biggest fandoms: top three? Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon.
Personality: People have told me I'm always super-happy and I am really optimistic about everything. I don't take anything for granted, and appreciate every little thing. Sometimes my honest enthusiasm about everything comes off as childish, but I am a mature person. I laugh a LOT too. And I have the hugest appetite, despite my small stature. Also I'm naturally intelligent, but I find it hard to concentrate on many things, and my memory suffers because of it too. I love video games, tv, Tumblr, drawing, reading, cosplaying, and eating. I talk to myself A LOT.
I Hate: the mall; smokers and drugs; Porn of kid shows or ones I've grown up watching; rulebreakers; I hate being wrong; I hate when people copy offa me. I hate the act of body-shaming.
I Love: my (deceased) cat, Peanut; I love feeling important to certain people in my life; Pokemon, Skyrim, and Animal Crossing are my top 3 fandoms. I also love: Adventure Time; Regular Show; AtLA; LoK; Steven Universe; Chowder; Scrubs; Psych; Fallout; Tumblr; coffee; EVERY CAT IN THE WORLD.

Other Sites I'm a Member of!:

DeviantArt: Eneko-wweh
Tumblr: Spoopy-eneko
Skype name: Nyarthy-kun
Livestream channel: Right over here!!!
Aaaaand, here's my Facebook account. You can have it! Danielle!!

BD Ohhhh yeah bby~

If any of you noticed, the post I put on Nyarth's world read this:
My Past - Part 6 (Entry 9)
Heh. Heh. Yesssss.
I didn't even try to do that. CB

On other notes, today I have a scratchy throat! D: It hurts to cough ughhhhhhh...... I'm sucking on a Hall's cough drop but it doesn't taste good... *hack hack*

Trick or treating was a lot of fun and a huge success! I went as a bottle of mustard and my best friend Becca went as my counterpart, ketchup! We looked so adorable. OOOH that reminds me I need to show you a pic! Here, I took it with my (new) Blackberry Curve 2! :3

I am thoroughly impressed and satisfied with my candy intake this year. *nods* I got a lot, then one of my friends starting pelting me with all of HIS candy, so I got that much more! He let me keep them all. The only bad thing is that I got hit in the collarbone with a Snickers (believe me it really hurts), hit in the chin with a Smarties, and hit right smack-dab in the-- well the lady-hole-- with a Tootsie Roll >.>; Hey I'm sorry my legs just happened to be open! *panicdrops*

Anyway, my Halloween was fun. And I'm still in the Edward Scissorhands obsession. I found this cute bag on dA that someone is selling, and I will buy it!! It's only $45 and I have many moneys. I've been needing a new bag to put stuff in. This one is uber cute and it has purple on it too! A favorite color plus! =^o^=

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And just because I'm obsessed, here's some more pictures of Edward <33

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After I post this, I'm going off to A Hoard of Poffins to type up another addition to Nyarth's past! ^~^ I think y'all get to meet Addy this time! Possibly....

Eneko out!

OMG~~ <3 *flails arms*


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I honestly don't know WHY I have never seen this movie before... I've heard of it but I just watched it today. My brother was watching and I came in right about where the house alarm goes off and Ed is left in the building.

EDWARD! Nawww he is so adorable! Fangirl moment, definitely. He's my new obsession now. And of course it would be Johnny Depp who plays as him; because Johnny Depp is just that freakin' cute.

For anyone who hasn't seen it (haha you'd be living under a rock like me), it was SO ADORABLE and really sweet. You really should see it. It's by Tim Burton who always makes epic movies!

Anyway, I hope everyone has an awesome Halloween! >w<~<3

Eneko out!


Well, today is my school's open house, so we got off early, at 11:30. So I had time for the computer today!! I just posted another part of Nyarth's past, so go read it ^~^

I was thinking, I could probably wake up a little earlier than I usually do and get on the computer in the mornings before school. And if I try to go faster with my homework, I might be able to spare some minutes after school.

Because I really gotta read the posts in PGR that I missed. And possibly do the STF if I have time. And post to get Nyarth back in the story. Because I feel terrible about not participating in the rp.... ;~;

Man....it's really hot in this house. I'm getting those heat wave things, you know where you feel really hot and then you get a strange wave of coldness? O______o it's really weird. I want it to stop >.>;

I drew Addy, a key character in Nyarth's past, and I'm inking her today! Maybe I'll be finished coloring and updated her before I post the part of his past with her in it, so y'all can see what she looks like before reading the post. ^-^ I already love her! She came out so beautiful! I'm thinking, if I flesh her out as a character more, I might use her in PGR as my second character. That is, once I get active again. -_-'

Hee hee I'm not gonna tell you what kind of Pokemon she is yet >w<
.....I will give the hint that she is a normal type!! And she's a second-stage evolution. Meaning there is one Pokemon below her on the Evolution chain.

What else... oh!! This Saturday is another marching competition!! We have been practicing even harder since our major fail at Dutchtown two weekends ago, so wish us luck!! I hope we improve, that's all. I don't aim to beat anybody. I know we won't win anyway since we're not the biggest band and we can't go from last place to first place in two weeks XDDD I'm really excited for it! It will be fun to watch even more bands compete with their halftime shows. ^o^

I love physics!! Yes, it's really tough, and I do have a C I believe right now.... but I love it! I never wanted to get homework EVER before in my life but I actually ask for physics homework. Somehow it's really fun to do these problems. And I'm actually GETTING this unit. It's on forces, acceleration, mass and tension and stuff. Newton's laws. F = M*A. :3

Work at Taco Bell has been still fun! I got two more checks and I think so far I've gotten 5? But now I have to pay insurance for my car so I don't really rake in that much spare change T^T But the silver lining is that Shayde comes to visit me after work! >w< So I get to see him some on the weekends and it's a great way to end the workday hah XD He got a huge dog collar, like a bigger version of mine, and I got a leash to attach it to his collar NYAHAHA!! It's fun to yank him by it everywhere >w<~<3

My 18th birthday was fun too! One of my best friends made me oreo balls and they were lovely~<3 and I got cupcakes and ULTRA MEGA GIANT SLIMMYJIMS *drools* and a buncha other stuff. And I still have to go visit Shayde and get my birthday presents like he keeps reminding me to get T^T And I got a football game on my birthday :3 Also I got many gifties and messages from my friends here on TheO, THANK Y'ALL SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! It totally made my day when I got on TheO and it said something like "20 new messages." and maybe 6 of "you have received a gift!!" >w< Thanks a bunch guys!!! I love you all!!!

I really need some new inking pens. I'm totally out and have to use my ballpoint Zebra Pen to ink Addy. Yes, Zebra Pen is the pen I use everyday and I use him now to ink my drawings :3

I guess that's it....!

Eneko out!

Dutchtown Results.... -cringes-

They grade you on Auxillery, Percussion, and Overall band.

We got 2, 2, 3. We fail.

This originally was a huge paragraph ranting but my brother CLOSED MY WINDOW AND GOT RID OF ALL THAT I HAD TYPED JUST BECAUSE I TOOK A BALL HE WAS PLAYING WITH IN THE HOUSE AND HE WASNT SUPPOSED TO!! And we have two bratty 5 year olds runnning in the houseand playing balla nd their mom is not controlling them and I'm TRYING TO DO MY HOMEWORK AND IM GETTING INTERRUPTED AND HIT WITH BALLS IN THE HEAD!!! I'm really mad right now that I have to retype this. Im going to summarize it. Sorry for typoes. I dont care anymore.

maybe tomorrow if i get time im giong to go back and redo this and make it pretty and grammatically correct. but not right now.

Doc is very mean this year. I betthe freshies will quit after marching season.
We can't march. Were the worst band there.
Saxes didnt come in. Made the clarinets hesitant and we didnt come in.
Different tempoes so i didnt know which to march to.
No cool horn movememts. Doc should have us do stuff other than marching.
Were the smallest but most obnoxious band. Very loud when were not supposed to . Other bands kept saying"SHHHHHH!!"
Didnt even have matching shirts to identify us as a band after we preformed. Very small but very loud.

the all-boys highschool, Catholic High, was the best IMO. Basically the aliens (the dancerflags) took over the band and they stole a saxophone. I hope someone taped all the bands cus i wanna show yall.
St. amant won overall in the state though. catholic was .3 behind. They were sad XDDD

went to waffle house after with 3 of my senior friends and i bonded! then went to the parking lot of home depot and played with the carts and raced and stuff. took funny vids. then slept at my junior clarinet friends house to evade these kids at my house for a night. but i had to come back home today. and work on top of al this. I still have physics and a biology formal lab report to do. Omg.

SIIIIIIGH Just wish me luck and stuff guys! Help me cope with these super-annoying kids who their mom is leaving me to control.... -crawls into corner and cries in fetal position-

Eneko out..... DX


Lol I'm so sorry guys! School is so busy! I never post on here anymore... a warning to the underclassmen: SENIOR YEAR IS VERY BUSY. It may not be hard exactly, but there's so much going on. And PHYSICS IS JUST AS HARD AS EVERYONE SAYS IT IS. But I managed to end up with a C in my Honors Physics class! This quarter I'll do better ^~^9

Today is October 16, time for our annual (well it's our 3rd time going) Dutchtown Marching Competition Festival Thingy!! 8DDD I'm so excited! It's like a huge band nerd convention and its so fun <3333 Our show is called Africa this year. It has four movements: Sunrise on the Serengeti, Gazelles, Cool Shade, and Brush Fire and Rain. I'll give you a link to the place you can hear it, if you're interested! :3

Clicky here to listen to our show! 8D

External ImageThis is a pic of our band doing our show at Dutchtown two years ago. (Amazonian Rainforest)

The freshmen who MISSED THE WEEK OF BAND CAMP BEFORE SCHOOL STARTED still don't know much. And like.....everone's just walking. They don't understand how to MARCH in time with the MUSIC. Ugh. I don't think we'll win anything. Maybe a pity trophy XDD

Oh! Our band is in the A category. Meaning its the...smallest band size, I believe? Not too sure.

I really gotta go get ready since I have to be there at 10am, so ttyl guys!!

Eneko out!