What color/kind of socks are you wearing?
[] Red = loud
[] Green = stupid
[] None = freaky
[] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[] Yellow = innocent
[] Purple = a little too happy
[] Black = emo
[] Stripes = funny
[] Gray = skanky
[] Pink = preppy
[] Light blue = sweaty
[] Other = hot
[X] White = sexy
What kind of pants are you wearing?
[]Shorts = cutie
[]Skirt/skort = skank
[]Corduroy = faggot homosexual
[X]Tight jeans = scene kid
[]Ripped jeans = emo
[]Cammo = cage fighter
[]Jeans = prep
[]Pajamas = pimp
[]Cargo = clown
[]Sweats = athlete
[]Boxers = brat
[]Booty shorts = female
[]Capris = Gangster
[]Nothing = hoe
[]Dickies = weirdo
[]Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[]Other = sex addict
What is your natural hair color?
[]Auburn = that every one wants to make out with
[]Blonde = with a broken heart
[]Black = with a sexy smile
[X]Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[]Red = that likes to have fun
[]Brown = who loves to be different
[]Dirty blonde= with sexy eyes
[]Bald = with herpes
[]Other = with a nice butt
Pick the month you were born on:
[]1= who ate
[]2 = who needed
[]3 = who killed
[]4 = who shot
[]5 = who killed
[]6 = who smoked with
[]7 = who banged
[]8 = who ran shirtless with
[]9 = who got stabbed horribly by
[X]10 = who cuddled with
[]11 = who slept with
[]12 = who ran naked with
Pick the day you were born on:
[]01 = the kool-aid man
[]02 = a dog
[]03 = a shoe
[]04 = a toothbrush
[]05 = Santa Claus
[]06 = your dealer
[]07 = Barny the dinosaur
[]08 = a prostitute
[]09 = a porn star
[]10 = a bag of weed
[]11 = a lover
[]12 = a glass of milk
[]13 = a horse
[]14 = a lesbian
[]15 = a stripper
[]16 = a pickle
[]17 = a jew
[]18 = a homo
[]19 = an orange
[]20 = a dildo
[]21 = a homeless guy
[X]22 = a whore
[]23 = my crush
[]24 = an easter egg
[]25 = a jar of honey
[]26 = a condom
[]27 = a bowl of cereal
[]28 = a french fry
[]29 = The Tojan man
[]30 = Paris Hilton
[]31 = your grandma
Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing
[] White = because I love you
[]Black = because im sexy
[]Pink = Because the lil people told me to
[]Blue = because I'm amazing
[]Red = because I'm a pimp and your jealous
[]Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[]Purple = because I'm gay
[X]Gray = because I got dared
[]Other = because that's how I roll
[]Green = because I'm just that good
[]Orange = because I smoke crack
[]Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[]Brown = because I had to
[]Shirtless = because I've got abs
Eneko out!
Junior year was so difficult for me. Ugh. But now it's all over! Summer is here and now I can be more active on the lovely TheO. XD I have lots of new artwork to scan and put up, and I have lots of things to draw that I could show y'all too, so tune in and I'll have lots of new drawings up! ^-^
I love you all!!
BLARRRRRGH!! It's my boyfriend's and my 6-MONTH ANNIVERSARY today!! It makes me so happy, wow... we've been together for half a year. Pretty long. But it only feels like a couple of weeks. Days, even.
Excuse me while I happy dance kthx.
Ah well, as the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun! And it also flies if you're with someone whom you really like. :3
We seriously have so much in common. We're like, twins actually. We like literally exactly the same stuff and so we always have lots of fun with whatever we do when we hang out ^-^
You know, it sounds really strange to other people but to us, we're used to it: I call him Onii-chan (my older brother) and he calls me Imoto-chan (his younger sister). Hooray for incest!! Identical twin incest, actually. Hurr hurr.
But you know what really sucks?
I am GROUNDED from seeing any friends and I can barely use my cellphone to text/call. So I can't be with him on our half-a-versary TT0TT
And it's all my fault, too. Over Easter break, I didn't do any homework and hung out with him basically every day. Then mom checked my grades on Edline the day we went back to school, and I had two C's and a D. And so she grounded me until I bring the grades back up to acceptable.
It's freaking hard to bring your grades up in a week. But I'm trying. Actually, so far I have brought the C's up to B's, and the D to a C! And I know I made a 100% on a test so the teacher just has to update my grades and possibly I might be able to bring it to a B. I asked her, and she said she'd have it up by the weekend, but she still hasn't updated!! ARGH! Now I won't be able to see my boyfriend even though my grade could be a B.
Anyway, off of my little rant... everyone else, yall have a great day! ^-^
So this weekend is my old elementary school's fair! I already went last night. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep while texting my bf... gomennasai love! X3
And all you dumb yankees, it's CRAWfish, not CRAYfish. Get it right >.<
And I had fried catfish!
They had fun rides too. But I didn't ride much, I spent too much time eating crawfish :3
Mmm short post but I don't know what else to say ^^;
She had this on her world and I stoled it >:)
1. Perfect? Nope! Lol I'm so stubborn, that's my major flaw. I have others but yeah. Fine the way I am to Blake though! :3
2. Tall? Not really... kinda short compared to my grade. Somewhere around 5'6 1/2"
3. In your pajamas? Aaah! You can see me?! Well yes I am, thanks for asking~
4. Left handed? Nope. Although there are so many lefties that I know... they're going to take over the world! We righties need to UNITE!
1. Friend you saw: Blakey~
2. Talked to on the phone: my absolute bestie, Becca!
3. Person to text you: one of my guy friends, Naquin, the Game Master (and by the way, you Lost. >:D)
4. Was today better than yesterday? Well considering that it's still the morning, and yesterday I hung out with Blake for most of the day, and I'm not sure if I can today, probably not. Lol.
1. Number: 7! Lucky! But also 3 and 5 and 8 and 9. But mostly 7 :3
2. Color(s): PUH-LURPLE ALL THE WAY!! I like all the colors though. Just not any kind of pink. Bleh. The ones that come in second are black, light blue (I'll just say Cyan and it will include all light blues) light greens, reds, and grays.
3. Fruit: ALL OF THEM! Well just mainly ichigo (strawberries), suika (watermelons), ringo (apples), and pineapples.
4. Place: in Blake's arms <3 but if it HAS to be a location...his house. Haha
1. Are you missing someone right now? Yup! I wish I could be with him all the time! Guess who! <3
2. Are you happy? Hai! I like taking memes like this!
3. Are you sad? Iie.
4. Are you bored? Iie.
6. Are you nervous? Iie.
8. Are you tired? Kinda...I could always use more sleep.
1. Eating? nope. Though I should eat breakfast soon. Nom nom nom!
2. Drinking? Iie. But it's time for my morning coffee! :3
3. I'm about to: go eat breakfast
4. Listening to? nothing at all...just the sounds of my empty stomach :(
5. Plans for today? See Blakey! And go buy some pocky at the store, and hang out with one of my other friends, she has Left For Dead at her house *3*
1. Drank bubbles? Drank? No...but eaten them in midair...oiishi (delicious)!
2. Lost glasses/contacts? I don't wear glasses/contacts...my eyesight is just fine, thanks!
3. Ran away from home? OH no. I love my house too much X3
4. Broken someone's heart? Yup...although he always denies it...I feel so bad. It wasn't even on purpose! TT_TT
5. Been arrested? Never! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE, COPPERS!
But seriously. I'm too much of a goody-goody to do anything illegal... except OBVIOUSLY it's illegal to drive without shoes on? I never knew that....
1. Miracles? Duh! Made by God!
2. Yourself? Eh...I have little to no self-confidence...I AM NOT WORTHY TO HAVE SUCH AWESOME FRIENDS AND BOYFRIEND! >o<;;
3. Heaven? Of course! And I'm desperately trying to get there!~
4. Santa Claus? Sigh...Christmas lost a lot of its speciality once I found out...but yeah he WAS alive and real. Until he died.
5. Do you like someone? No. I LOVE someone! <3 -tackles her bf-
6. Do you believe in God? Am I?? I'mma such a strong Catholic it's not even funny.
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Yup! I always want to tell the truth!
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Said 'g'morning' to my mom... she punishes me if I don't... >:(
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: I REALLY hope Mom doesn't find out about the hickey that I have on my stomach from Blake... D8
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: The Blindside for the 2nd time, on 1/16/10
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Hangin' out at Blakes' house! He turned 19 yesterday! Such an old geezer! XD Lol I'm only two years younger. I'm old too.
Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: It's hard to see me not smiling... I'm an uber happy person! I laugh at even the smallest funny things. And also I laugh at awkward moments too. And I grin when I'm in an argument with someone. So basically I'm smiling ALL the freakin' time. It might get on your nerves. XD
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: If i could see them. Well...I wouldn't wish on them even if I could. Too lazy and I don't believe in wishing. I believe in praying >:)
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Seriously. I'm always nice to people... and for others, it's hard NOT to love me... I must have the Pokemon ability Cute Charm or something... 'cuz my super-awesome friends and bf love me unjustly, the food vendors at lunch give me sympathy food for free, and I'm (sadly) a teacher's pet in most of my classes... yeah I'm not too proud about that part....
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In my comfy bed with my cat Peanut~
Q: When was the last time you cried:
A: Hmm.....hard to remember....kind of a long time ago... it's hard to make me cry. I bottle my feelings up, it's fun! Haha.
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Just thinking about my lovely bf~ *sighs*
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 9.5! 'Cuz life can always be better. lol
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: the filter in the fishtank in the other room.
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: just my lower back, since I've been slouching over while typing this up. :(
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: Hmm...October cus its my birthday month...I love all the fall/winter months though. HATE summer and spring.
Q: What did you do last night?
A: Heh heh heh..... X3 jk.
But for reals now. I hung out with my bf!