If Olive Oil Comes From Olives, and Vegetable Oil Comes From Veggies, Where Does Baby Oil Come From?

...Yes. Yes it does come from babies. I'm sorry to break the news to you.


Ok so I haven't posted in my room in a while! I think I should update y'all on what's been happening.

Well I think I've gotten better in drawing the last few months. I had a big 'growth spurt'. I still need to work on a lot of things though. Like anatomy. Anatomy mostly.


But I keep getting awesome advice from all my -sama's in the drawing world, on how to get better at drawing. *bows* I look up to so many people here! I love how everyone has their different drawing styles, it's like their personal touch or watermark, I can just tell who drew it by a little sample of their drawing ^-^

Sadly, I found out that I can't just draw on request... I'm only an inspired drawer. Like, I think I'd only be able to finish a drawing if I was inspired randomly to draw it. So I think I won't be able to join in any of the contests on TheO. Well, maybe I'll try some... but I'm pretty sure I'm not a competitive person and I can't draw on request. I have to wait to be inspired ^^;

Hmmmm! It is really hard to get recognized on TheO 'cuz it's mainly a friend get together site as I've heard... but I think I really found my niche here!! Finally! :D I have many awesome friends here! I LUFF YOU ALL!! ;3; My friends, you know who you are! Come over here, hugs for everyone! And Oreo balls! *passes them out*

Shess! >o<

And to my awesomesauce bf, if he's listening in. He kinda doesn't like TheO and he's more of a dA user but if I tell him to he checks TheO. Thanks for supporting me all the time, Love! <3 Aishiteru!

He's a great drawer too. He has better art up on dA. His username there is xXshayde-wolfXx. He's pretty popular on dA already, after only 3 weeks he's gotten over 500 pageviews!
We started our accounts at the same time... I have more art up than him... But I only have a bit over 100 views... I must not be as good as everyone thinks...

I dunno. I get jealous of peoples' art really easily and then I start thinking worse of my art... I know it's a bad trait but I don't know if I can help it. I don't have much confidence in myself sometimes... well actually most of the time XD

Hm! Another subject...American Idol started tonight 8D I'm listening to it, it's playing on the tv in the other room and my family's watching it. If I hear something interesting I dash into the other room to see.
OMG there was an otaku there!!! I saw her audition!! I think her name was Mary? She wasn't too good with the singing... I saw her costumes and kimonos and a brief glimpse of her drawings!

Yeah.... what else...

I've been involved in the roleplay Poke Gijinka Revolution for a long time now, and I just love everyone there! I've made so many friends and they're all so nice to me! I love y'all! Love love love!! *pelts with Oreo balls* >w<
So many relationships between characters have been developing, they really give the rp depth and make it more interesting too! ^-^

I don't know what else to talk about.... I guess it's sign-off time for me now!

